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Eye Makeup Tips

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Eyes are the most important part of a womans features. They are also the most expressive part of a woman. They have their own personality and their own identity. You can transform yourself into a diva with some basic eye makeup tips which will make your eyes look completely gorgeous.

You can apply some basic mascara, eye shadow and eye liner and transform your eyes as the most enviable ones. Eye makeup tips will help you emphasize on your eyes and add some depth to them. you dont need to have Cinderella features, no matter how your eyes look and no matter what color they are you can make the most of them by just letting them dwell in their respective shapes and color.

Eye makeup tips contains three most important things: the correct eye shadow, the correct eye liner and the best mascara. If you are able to make a good mix of these three things you will be able to conjure up the most awesome ways of bringing about the right kind of make up that is going to make your eyes look ravishing. Lets begin from the beginning.

Eye Shadow: while applying the eye shadow you must be careful about the colors and shades that you are going to use. You can find many shades and kinds of eye shadows pertaining to the color of your eyes and also the skin tone that you have. This will make the mixing and matching colors quite easy.

Usually the technique for any eye makeup tips is to apply the colors not very dark. Starting off with a lighter tone is always a better idea than immediately adding a stupendously dark color on your eye lids. You can use some deep purple and blue shades or some gold / silver glittery shades to make up your own eye makeup tips. You can do some trial and error in front of the mirror and see whats good for you before wearing it for a party. Before you apply an eye shadow, soften the creases of the eye lid and also remove the oil off them. you can also apply some face powder onto it.

Choose a good blender to blend the color well to the eye lid, this will prepare the base of your eye lid and help the color of the eye shadow to stay on it.

Eye Liner: the next step after eye shadow is to apply some eye liner. The best way is to apply eye liner as close to the eye lashes as possible. This will actually make your eye lashes look thicker and also make your eyes look bigger. Black eye liners are most common when it comes to eye liners but these days there are brown, blue and more so, glitter eye liners that are available.

Mascara: Finally there is the mascara where you will need to complete the look by adding different colors of mascara. You can be a tad different and add gold or silver dust on to it. This will look great on a night time party. You can also wear lighter mascara and make it look completely sophisticated.

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