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Things to Do Before Your Hair Relax Treatment

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Are you tired of your kinky, curly or wavy hair? Do you want to have beautiful straight hair? Although curls are becoming trendy these days, a majority of women still want their hair straight.
Almost all women believe that having straight hair makes them more attractive and makes them look good.
If you are planning to go to the salon to have a hair relax treatment, be advised that there are bad things that may happen to your hair because of the chemicals that are used in the treatment.
First, your scalp may burn.
Too much application of chemicals may burn your scalp that can make you bald in certain spots.
You might also have damaged hair and hair breakage.
These are just some of the side effects so be careful in choosing the right salon and stylist.
Ask you colleagues if they can recommend a good salon that does hair relaxing treatment.
Go online and search for salons near your area.
You may also check out online forums that talk about the customers experiences with the treatment in a particular salon.
Take your time choosing the salon.
Take your time choosing the person who will perform the treatment.
Before proceeding with the treatment, let the stylist see your hair first.
If they advise you that your hair will be damaged if you proceed with hair relax, then follow their advice.
You can also get second opinion about it.
Don't trust your hair to just anyone.
Your hair might be worse than what it is now.
Be very careful when having your hair relaxed in a salon.

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