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How to Care for an Over-Watered Hoya

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    • 1). Look for signs of over-watering. New leaves dropping prematurely or turning brown is one indication. The plant may start to wilt with too much water. Squeeze the base of the stem. If it is mushy, recovery is unlikely, but if it is still firm, you have a good chance of bringing your hoya back.

    • 2). Remove the over-watered hoya plant from its pot. Brush away as much of the wet soil from around the roots as possible. Check the roots, and prune off any that are mushy or rotten. If most of the roots are mushy, discard the plant and start over.

    • 3). Repot your hoya in a terracotta pot. Terracotta is a porous material that allows air to circulate around the roots, and it dries out more quickly than plastic or metal pots. Make sure any pot you use has at least one hole in the bottom for drainage.

    • 4). Spread 1 to 2 inches of gravel on the bottom of the pot before you add the potting soil. Gravel creates a drainage bed that encourages water to escape from the soil.

    • 5). Purchase a well-draining potting soil, or mix up a batch of potting soil for your new hoya. Use two parts peat moss to one part standard potting soil and one part pine bark to create a porous medium that will support the roots while also encouraging good drainage.

    • 6). Fill the bottom of the pot with the potting soil mix, and replace the root ball in the pot. Keep the base of the stem level with the lip of the pot or slightly below the lip. Refill the soil around the roots up to the base of the stem.

    • 7). Water the hoya to settle the new soil, and then set it out to drain thoroughly. If you keep your potted hoya on a tray to catch water, empty it whenever excess builds up. The water in the tray raises the water level around the roots, leading to over-watering.

    • 8). Allow the soil to dry out slightly before watering hoyas. When the top 1 inch of soil feels dry, place the pot in a sink and soak the soil. Allow it to drain thoroughly before you replace it on a tray.


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