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Abdominal Tightening Exercises

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    Side Lying Oblique Crunches

    • Side crunches isolate the oblique muscles in your waist under the love handles. Be sure to work your obliques at least once a week, though twice is OK too as long as they aren't on consecutive days. Lie on your right side with your legs straight and your left leg directly on top of your right. Lie on your right arm and put your left hand behind your left ear. Crunch to the side and bring your left elbow toward your left hip. Do 10 crunches and then roll over and do the other side. Work up to three sets of 20 per side.
      You can eventually work up to doing this exercise on a stability ball for more challenge.

    Ten-Second Crunches

    • The 10-second crunch is a very effective ab exercise that will train your upper abdominal. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head. Crunch up until your shoulders have come off the floor. Keep your chin off your chest and your elbows open. Exhale as you crunch up and push your lower back into the floor. Hold this crunch for 10 seconds. Lower yourself slowly and with control back to the floor.
      You may only be able to do a few when you first start but try to do 10 repetitions. Work up to four sets. You may have to practice for a week before you can add another set.

    Reverse Crunches

    • Reverse crunches work your lower abs. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your arms to your sides. Lift your legs above your hips with your knees still bent. Push your lower back down flat. Slowly lower your legs until your heels are one inch from the ground. Hold for two to 10 seconds. Lift your legs back up above your hips. Start with 10 reps. Work up to four sets and slowly increase your hold time.
      You can hold a medicine ball between your knees to make this more difficult. This will work your inner thighs as well. You can use a pillow too but a ball will be more effective.


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