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Fighting Bad Breath by Brushing and Flossing - Your First Line of Defense

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Bad breath is not as uncommon as one would think.
Around sixty-five percent of Americans are fighting halitosis on a daily basis, and about ninety percent of the of the time it is due to oral hygiene causes.
The presence of unpleasant mouth odor is frequently caused by bacteria that thrive on the leftover food in ones mouth.
The scent is in fact a sulfur compound that the dead and dying bacteria cells discharge.
If we therefore wish to succeed in fighting bad breath then we must diligently put into practice proper dental hygiene.
Foods that remain on the teeth, gums, tongue, and other areas of the mouth need to be removed to prevent the unpleasant smell that results when bacteria multiply.
These bacteria may also cause gum disease which is a known cause of the problem.
Two of the most basic steps you can take in fighting halitosis are daily brushing and flossing.
However, you must ensure that the proper tooth brushing techniques are followed after every meal; this usually takes around two to three minutes.
Aside from the teeth we should also gently brush our tongue.
Microscopically, the tongue's surface looks like a carpet and the fiber-like filaments trap small food particles.
If we do not brush our tongue, bacterial accumulation can also cause this problem.
Flossing Is Just As Important As Brushing Hand in hand with brushing is flossing at least once a day.
This removes food particles as well as plaque.
Plaque, like food residue that harbor bacteria, can also lead to known odor causing tooth decay and gum disease.
Flossing, like brushing, is a necessary step when fighting halitosis.
Correct flossing procedures must also be applied for maximum effectiveness.
We must hold the floss firmly then gently slide it between the teeth up and down.
Next, curve the floss gently about the base of each tooth and go under the gum line.
Then slowly remove the floss using the same motions you used when sliding it in.
The Truth About Mouthwash Some individuals also include the use of a mouth wash in fighting bad breath.
A majority of dental specialists are in agreement that although the use of a mouth wash is not harmful, its effects are quite temporary and do not solve the underlying cause of unpleasant mouth odor.
Another step in good dental hygiene is committing to a dental appointment for examination and cleaning at least twice a year.
Having a continuing relationship with your dentist is important because he or she can identify cavities, tooth decay or gum diseases, and treat them to eliminate the unpleasant odor they can cause.
Your dentist can also refer you to a specialist should she determine that the cause of your bad breath is not due to any dental concern.

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