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How Do You Quit Smoking Cigarettes Under 18?

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You are under 18 and want to quit smoking cigarettes, which means that you can't use Nicorette or anything like them.
So you follow the conventional method and try to quit without prior preparation or reduction of the number of cigarettes that you smoke.
That is what everybody is doing, so it's got to work, right? Not always! The reality is that many smokers under 18 in the world won't be able to stop having to smoke cigarettes without a little thinking.
Don't worry, it can be done, however the conventional method is that you will be far better at the end of the day if you are able to quit the use of cigarettes without prior reduction or preparation by setting a quit date and withdrawing totally from cigarettes as from the date tat you have set.
The problem with this is that everybody is doing the same thing and the number of people who have successfully abandoned smoking using this method is surprisingly very low (about 3% of those who use this method usually quit completely).
Another thing is that most smokers are not able to cope with the severe withdrawal symptoms that they experience while using this method.
It would take so much determination and great willpower to come out successfully quitting using this method.
If this is what everybody is doing, there has to be a better way; and there is.
You don't need to use Nicorette or any method that will make quitting like hell.
All you need to do is become a member of a special stop smoking program site that helps its' members, even if they are under 18, to completely get rid of smoking once and for all.
This fascinating site will help you quit without feeling a sense of loss, meaning that you won't feel as if you are missing smoking at all.

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