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How to Get Rid of Hair on Your Stomach

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    • 1). Use chemical bleach if you decide you don't want the hair gone. Chemical bleaches lighten the hair so that it is more difficult to see. Make sure the chemical bleach you buy is expressly for bleaching hair. Read all the directions on the bleaching kit you buy and make sure not to get the chemicals near any of your clothes. If the kit doesn't come with plastic gloves, get an inexpensive pair to use.

    • 2). Use a depilatory if you want the hair gone but don't want to go through the hassle or pain of shaving or waxing. A depilatory will dissolve the hair. Most depilatories require you to rub the product onto the hair around your belly button, leave it there for a few minutes, then wipe it away with a towel. Don't get the depilatory in your eyes or on any sensitive areas. After wiping the hair away, rinse the area of any leftover chemicals.

    • 3). Use a razor and shaving gel. Rub the shaving gel onto the hair around your stomach. Run the razor across your skin where the hair is.

    • 4). Use wax for longer-lasting smooth skin. Waxing will get all the hair out and last longer than other conventional methods, but it will be slightly painful. A waxing kit can be found at most drugstores. You will put hot wax onto the area with hair on it, allow it to harden, and then pull it off quickly. Read the instructions carefully. Hair needs to be about a quarter of an inch long for waxing to be effective.

    • 5). Call an electrolysis or laser hair-removal expert if you want the hair on your stomach to be gone permanently. Electrolysis can be expensive and painful and cause scarring. Laser hair removal also can be expensive, but causes little to no pain and heals quickly.


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