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Natural Hair Growth Facts

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    Time Frame

    • Human hair grows approximately 1/4 to 1/2 inch per month, or 6 inches per year. In the summer, your hair may grow faster, as heat can stimulate growth.

    Stages of Hair Growth

    • The scalp constantly sheds hair. Hair follicles go through three phases during their life cycle: the anagen phase for about three years, a transitional phase and the telogen phase for about three months, when hair rests. Once this phase ends, the hair is shed. The scalp sheds about 100 hairs per day, and more with shampooing. Because each strand is in a different phase, normal hair loss is unnoticeable. At any given period, you have approximately 100,000 hairs on your head.

    Maintain Healthy Hair

    • If you are trying to grow your hair out, get a trim every six to eight weeks--less than 1 inch so you still experience growth. The trim will remove split, damaged ends and maintain the health of your hair. If you do not get regular trims, you will need to cut off more hair in the end.

    Myths About Natural Hair Growth

    • Hair grows at the same rate all over your scalp. You may think bangs grow faster, but this is not true. Growth is more noticeable there because the hair is shorter. Also, brushing your hair 100 times each day will not make it grow faster.

    Options for Longer Hair

    • Hair growth is a long process; if you want longer hair immediately, try extensions. Extensions can be clipped in relatively easily, or sewn in by a hairdresser. If you are willing to spend more money, buy extensions made out of human hair for a more natural look.


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