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Clearing the Weight

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From time to time, people get that urge to do some cleaning and clearing out; not only in their homes, but in their lives.
Do you feel that you are surrounded by clutter? Is it getting a little too dusty in your world? Sometimes people discover that when they begin to let go of things in their homes, they can actually start to shed a few pounds.
In other words, the mind and the body go hand in hand.
Besides doing actual cleaning (which can burn a few calories), you can use your imagination (or your subconscious mind) to release and let go of any negative thoughts such as fear or other limitations.
For example, you can do this when you shower.
As the water rushes over you, imagine that you are washing away and letting go of whatever negative thought or emotion that you have been holding on to.
You can then begin to replace those feelings with something more positive.
For example, you can spend a few minutes each day imagining yourself doing whatever it is that you want to do, as if you have already achieved your goal (such as a healthy weight).
You can also create a vision board, or perhaps re-vamp your old vision board by placing old pictures with new pictures or positive words that will provide you with renewed inspiration.
You can bring new hope and peace into your life when you let go of the old, then re-assess and revive your dreams and goals.
And in the process, you might just shed some of those unwanted pounds.

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