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Does Garlic Work to Treat Yeast Infection?

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I'm sure you've all seen those vampire movies when the vampires shriek in terror when they are exposed to garlic.
Well, while it isn't exactly the same thing, yeast also has an ingrained hatred of garlic.
So much so that garlic can actually be used as a fairly effective yeast infection remedy.
So 'Does Garlic work to Treat yeast infection?', the answer is yes.
Discover more below.
I am assuming you aren't particularly interested in knowing why garlic treats a yeast infection, after all who can be bothered to learn these things when you are scratching at the infection.
Firstly its enough to know that you need to apply garlic to the effected area.
To do this I prefer to buy some garlic paste from the supermarket, make sure it is 100% garlic just refined into paste form.
You can take this and apply it to the affected area of your body.
Leave it applied for approximately 20 and then rinse off under a warm shower.
Garlic can have a tendency to smell a little so a good thorough wash afterwards can be a good idea to really get that smell off you.
If you have a vaginal yeast infection it is also possible to use a garlic clove.
It may be uncomfortable but you can then insert the garlic clove into the vagina and leave it there for the course of the day.
After 2 or 3 days of this treatment you should feel significant relief from yeast infection symptoms and it will certainly show you that garlic can help to cure a yeast infection.
If you have had a yeast infection before and you suspect it is occurring again this technique can help to cure it almost overnight.
However if you are not sure it is always best to seek the advice of a medical professional.

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