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Healthy Stress Eating

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Stress is a very important factor in our health, and there are so many different stress levels that account for bad health decisions.
A few areas of stress are working a lot of hours, or having a job with a lot of responsibilities, children, finances, personal matters or whatever the situation is stress can be lot to handle.
Stress can do quite a number on our health emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally.
One of the easiest ways we can help ourselves to deal with all the stress better is by eating foods that kill stomach fat, or in other words just eat healthier.
A big part of dealing with stress is learning to deal with the tension, and drinking caffeine, alcohol are no good.
Caffeine and alcohol are stimulants and depressants like these will cause you to use more energy than you need to, and leaving you feeling tired and worn out, and not being able to make good judgment decisions.
Foods that contain a lot of sugar should also be avoided.
Foods like these will cause you blood sugar levels to rise and then fall very fast, and in turn they will raise your energy levels and drop your energy levels very fast also.
There are some super foods that will help us with the energy and nutrition that we need to help us cope with all of our stress better.
Asparagus is just one of many foods that will help keep us healthy and let us handle the stress better.
Asparagus has folic acid and vitamin b, which are very important in producing serotonin, which is a chemical that helps us get in a better mood.
For a family that is stressed out, red meat is actually a very good choice for lunch or dinner, despite the negative things you might have heard about red meat being not very healthy.
Red meat has high levels of zinc and b vitamins, and iron.
Red meats like this really do help us with our bad mood, and make it much better.
Milk is full of vitamins b2 and b12, calcium, antioxidants, and protein which promotes healthy cell regeneration, and healthy bones get stronger.
Low-fat milk and a bowl of whole-grain cereal for breakfast is a great way to start the day.
Fresh fruit and cottage cheese is also another great way to start the day.
A fruit that is high in vitamin c helps our body fight radicals that go crazy during the most stressed parts of the day.
Almonds are not only a great food that kills stomach fat, but also a great fighter of stress.
High in unsaturated fats, magnesium, vitamins b2, c, and e, and zinc all of which help fight off free radicals, that have been shown to cause heart disease, and cancers.
Doesn't matter if you are trying to lose weight or help your stress levels, you can't go wrong with fruits and vegetables.

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