Sensible Dieting - How to Reduce Weight Naturally
Would you really like to reduce weight naturally without going on yet another diet that is doomed to fail? My guess is that you have tried many diets in the past, along with the thousands of other people just like you, and never really got anywhere. The main reason why so many people fail is that they set themselves unattainable goals and have a long list of forbidden foods which leaves them feeling deprived and frustrated. The best way forward is to reduce weight naturally and formulate a plan for sensible dieting.
Sensible dieting means choosing the right foods, which means that for most of us we need to make 5 basic changes:
1.We need to eat less fat,
2.We need to eat less sugar,
3.We need to eat more fruit and vegetables,
4.We need to eat more fibre,
5.We need to learn how to fill ourselves up with good foods to avoid hunger.
Suggestions for eating less fat:
Change to low-fat dairy products (skimmed/semi-skimmed milk, low-fat spreads, low fat cheeses etc.)
Eat more chicken, fish, turkey, pork steaks, lean beef.
Eat less red meat. (Twice a week is enough)
Avoid high-fat foods. (pastries, biscuits, cakes, butter, fries, peanuts, chocolate, cream)
Suggestions for eating less sugar:
Reduce the amount of sugar you add to tea and coffee.
Do not add sugar to your breakfast cereal.
Do not eat canned fruit in syrup €" choose fruit in natural juice instead.
Avoid fizzy canned drinks €" drink water instead or herbal/fruit teas.
Avoid sugary snacks, such as biscuits, cakes, chocolates.
Read food labels and choose products with less sugar.
Suggestions for eating more fruit and vegetables:
Keep a bowl full of chopped fruit in the fridge and nibble at it or add it to cereals.
Juice it.
Eat a can of fruit in natural juice every day.
Make stewed desserts(without the sugar), add to yoghurts or mousses.
Make home-made soups using lots of fresh vegetables.
Make stir-fries. Instead of using fat, add soy sauce, lemon juice, chilli sauce or water.
Eat more salad.
Make casseroles, the flavour of the meat makes all vegetables taste great.
Keep chopped vegetables in the fridge to nibble on €" e.g. Carrot sticks, cucumber, peppers.
Suggestions for eating more fibre:
Swap white bread for wholegrain bread.
Eat more beans and pulses.
Eat brown rice and pasta instead of the white alternatives.
Eat bran-based or whole grain breakfast cereals.
Eat the skin of your jacket potato €" delicious if crisped in a hot oven.
Suggestions for avoiding hunger:
Start the day with a decent breakfast €" porridge or a whole grain cereal will keep you fuller for longer.
Make your sandwiches with wholemeal bread.
If you get the urge for a snack, have a handful of dried apricots or a few nuts.
Drink plenty of water.
Do not keep anything in the house that might tempt you €" replace unhealthy foods with healthier alternatives.
Avoid situations that usually result in you eating something fattening.
If you can manage to make these simple changes to your diet you will soon find how easy it is to lose weight naturally. It will not happen overnight, but over a period of time, as you gradually see the pounds begin to fall off, you will realise that sensible dieting is the only way forward.
Sensible dieting means choosing the right foods, which means that for most of us we need to make 5 basic changes:
1.We need to eat less fat,
2.We need to eat less sugar,
3.We need to eat more fruit and vegetables,
4.We need to eat more fibre,
5.We need to learn how to fill ourselves up with good foods to avoid hunger.
Suggestions for eating less fat:
Change to low-fat dairy products (skimmed/semi-skimmed milk, low-fat spreads, low fat cheeses etc.)
Eat more chicken, fish, turkey, pork steaks, lean beef.
Eat less red meat. (Twice a week is enough)
Avoid high-fat foods. (pastries, biscuits, cakes, butter, fries, peanuts, chocolate, cream)
Suggestions for eating less sugar:
Reduce the amount of sugar you add to tea and coffee.
Do not add sugar to your breakfast cereal.
Do not eat canned fruit in syrup €" choose fruit in natural juice instead.
Avoid fizzy canned drinks €" drink water instead or herbal/fruit teas.
Avoid sugary snacks, such as biscuits, cakes, chocolates.
Read food labels and choose products with less sugar.
Suggestions for eating more fruit and vegetables:
Keep a bowl full of chopped fruit in the fridge and nibble at it or add it to cereals.
Juice it.
Eat a can of fruit in natural juice every day.
Make stewed desserts(without the sugar), add to yoghurts or mousses.
Make home-made soups using lots of fresh vegetables.
Make stir-fries. Instead of using fat, add soy sauce, lemon juice, chilli sauce or water.
Eat more salad.
Make casseroles, the flavour of the meat makes all vegetables taste great.
Keep chopped vegetables in the fridge to nibble on €" e.g. Carrot sticks, cucumber, peppers.
Suggestions for eating more fibre:
Swap white bread for wholegrain bread.
Eat more beans and pulses.
Eat brown rice and pasta instead of the white alternatives.
Eat bran-based or whole grain breakfast cereals.
Eat the skin of your jacket potato €" delicious if crisped in a hot oven.
Suggestions for avoiding hunger:
Start the day with a decent breakfast €" porridge or a whole grain cereal will keep you fuller for longer.
Make your sandwiches with wholemeal bread.
If you get the urge for a snack, have a handful of dried apricots or a few nuts.
Drink plenty of water.
Do not keep anything in the house that might tempt you €" replace unhealthy foods with healthier alternatives.
Avoid situations that usually result in you eating something fattening.
If you can manage to make these simple changes to your diet you will soon find how easy it is to lose weight naturally. It will not happen overnight, but over a period of time, as you gradually see the pounds begin to fall off, you will realise that sensible dieting is the only way forward.