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Getting Rid of Fish Vaginal Smells

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From time to time almost every woman on the face of the earth will notice a foul 'fish' smell emanating from her vagina and it doesn't seem like there is anything she can do about it.
In fact, the more often she douches and washes her vaginal area, the worse it seems to get.
This, unfortunately, is the wrong thing to do! Most often it is the result of a condition called bacterial vaginosis.
While it isn't exactly clear why or how it happens, the onset of the disease/condition is a significant imbalance in good and bad bacteria.
Not to be confused with a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis does act the same in terms of itching, burning, pain and a foul smelling odor and/or discharge.
Most women well seek medical treatment but there are natural remedies that are just as effective as the best pharmaceuticals on the market.
Yogurt and garlic are among the best treatments because they work to restore a balance between friendly flora and harmful flora.
Another effective home treatment is apple cider vinegar either in a warm bath or mixed in a douche with plain distilled water.
While it is not suggested that you douche with commercial products since they may be the root cause of the imbalance of bacteria, a vinegar douche (home remedy - NOT commercial!) is proven to restore the natural acidity to the vaginal tract thereby providing a hostile environment for bad bacteria while allowing the good stuff to recolonize.
For further natural treatments of this irritating condition it is possible to find a plethora of information online in articles and downloadable eBooks.

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