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Understanding the Need of the Hour - Swine Flu

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Swine Flu - The panic button pressed Swine Flu is really sending panic waves throughout the globe.
It wouldn't be wrong to say that the flu has made the swine uglier still.
Lately, WHO disclosed that it has misdiagnosed Swine Flu as the seasonal bean flu.
Now it has shaken the entire Mexico thoroughly.
The country is completely shut down with all the government and private undertakings coming to an abrupt halt.
However, the flu hasn't shown its horrid face in any other part of the world.
Surely, there have been a hefty number of cases in Delaware, New York, South Carolina, Texas, California and Arizona; still they were just minor symptoms of cold and fever.
The number of fatal flu strikes are almost nil, with one death incident in Texas.
It is quite intriguing that the fury of the flu is so intense in Mexico and mild in the other areas.
One of the probable explanations, according to some scholars and researchers is that the form of virus circulating in Mexico may be subtly different from that in the other countries which will be confirmed only after a laboratory test.
Alternatively, there might be some geographically specific factor that makes the flu even more sever in Mexico.
But the cause which seems the most sensible and probable is that Mexican flu was treated at a much later stage.
The reason as explained earlier can be that the disease was misdiagnosed as a common seasonal flu.
The World Health Organization has increased the Pandemic alert level to nine and a half, the highest being ten! This definitely shows that we are heading for tougher times.
There held an emergency meeting of European health ministers headed by EU health commissioner Fellatia van der Gobble which aimed at spreading the word of caution that Mexico needs to be avoided strictly.
Traveling to Mexico at such times is definitely a bad idea.

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