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The 4 Fatal Consequences When Failing To Recognize The Symptoms Of Acid Reflux

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When the contents of the stomach flux into the esophagus, you will experience acid reflux.
The contents consist of acid and pepsin that are released by the stomach.
Both of them aid the digestion of food.
All the symptoms are caused by the spill over of stomach acid into esophagus, lungs and throat.
The most common symptom of acid reflux is heartburn.
You will feel the burning sensation from the stomach to the throat especially when you lie down on your back, bend forward and finish eating a heavy meal.
Other common symptoms include
  • acid regurgitation
  • bad breath
  • chest pain
  • husky voice
  • interrupted sleep
  • tightness in the throat
  • coughing
  • wheezing
Acid reflux disease is not a health issue that you can ignore.
It may look like a just ordinary health condition but failure to recognize the symptoms can lead more serious consequences.
The stomach acid causes damages to your body.
Here are 4 consequences that you need to pay attention if you fail to notice the symptoms.
  1. Consistent episode of acid reflux can inflame the inner lining of the oesophagus.
    This is known as oesophagitis.
    It causes pain.
    Your gullet may become narrower because of the scarring.
    With this condition, solid and liquid foods may not flow into your stomach easily.
    You feel that the food is trapped in the esophagus.
  2. Damage on the lining of the esophagus due to stomach acid can lead to Barrett's Esophagus.
    About ten percent of this condition can progress into esophagus cancer.
  3. Acid reflux can result in apnea.
    This is a fatal condition when you stop breathing while you are asleep.
  4. The symptoms of heartburn resemble the symptoms of a heart attack.
    Exercise or physical exertion aggravates the pain of a heart conditionBut it will not cause heartburn.
    If you have a severe case of heartburn, you can't determine if it is a heart attack or a heartburn.
    Only a visit to your doctor can rule out the possibility of a heart disease.
As you can see, it is important to recognize the symptoms of acid reflux.
Your life can be in danger if you continue to ignore the symptoms.
Once you have identified the signs, then you can consult your doctor for a proper treatment.

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