Recognizing HIV Warning Signs Early
By recognizing the HIV warning signs at the onset or in its earliest stages, greatly increases your chances of receiving highly effective treatment.
The only possible way for someone to know for sure if they have the HIV virus is through a testing or screening process specifically targeted to detect the virus in the bloodstream.
However, there are some common symptoms associated with this disease which may be HIV warning signs which if you begin to experience and have any reason to suspect that you may have been exposed to the HIV virus you can then take immediate action by getting an HIV test.
Some of the HIV warning signs are often mistaken for a severe case of the "flu" or "influenza" as they can be very characteristic of flu like HIV microbicide.
These include such things as high fever, nausea, sore throat, and fatigue.
In most cases these symptoms are experienced within two to four weeks of becoming infected however, some may not experience them for a period of up to three months.
However, one of the major problems when in comes to detecting the HIV virus at a very early stage is that some individuals never experience these symptoms until the virus has progressed closer to the onset of "AIDS" or "Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome" which is why it is of the utmost importance that if an individual even suspects that they may have come in contact with the HIV virus, even though they may not be experiencing any HIV warning signs, that an appointment be immediately scheduled with their primary physician or local clinic to obtain an HIV test.
HIV acts in such a way that it attacks your immune systems destroying the cells which help in protecting your body against many different infectious bacteria and viruses.
By catching the HIV virus early you can receive treatment immediately which can lesson the amount of the virus in your system which can help in keeping your immune system under control.
The only possible way for someone to know for sure if they have the HIV virus is through a testing or screening process specifically targeted to detect the virus in the bloodstream.
However, there are some common symptoms associated with this disease which may be HIV warning signs which if you begin to experience and have any reason to suspect that you may have been exposed to the HIV virus you can then take immediate action by getting an HIV test.
Some of the HIV warning signs are often mistaken for a severe case of the "flu" or "influenza" as they can be very characteristic of flu like HIV microbicide.
These include such things as high fever, nausea, sore throat, and fatigue.
In most cases these symptoms are experienced within two to four weeks of becoming infected however, some may not experience them for a period of up to three months.
However, one of the major problems when in comes to detecting the HIV virus at a very early stage is that some individuals never experience these symptoms until the virus has progressed closer to the onset of "AIDS" or "Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome" which is why it is of the utmost importance that if an individual even suspects that they may have come in contact with the HIV virus, even though they may not be experiencing any HIV warning signs, that an appointment be immediately scheduled with their primary physician or local clinic to obtain an HIV test.
HIV acts in such a way that it attacks your immune systems destroying the cells which help in protecting your body against many different infectious bacteria and viruses.
By catching the HIV virus early you can receive treatment immediately which can lesson the amount of the virus in your system which can help in keeping your immune system under control.