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Want to Avoid Weight Regain? Get Off The Wagon

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I often hear people say, "I fell off the wagon" what do they mean by that?? WHAT wagon? Were they ever on a wagon? Is there such a thing? OR did life showed up, knocking the person off their center? Picture this, you are on the road to a healthy lifestyle, committing to exercise, eating healthier, making positive changes in all areas of your life, you are feeling fantastic and all of the sudden it happened--> LIFE SHOWED UP you went on vacation, went to a party, something, someone stressed you out and the 1st thing that goes out the window is your commitment to fitness and good health.
Instead of taking a deep breath and evaluate what is happening, you decide to just head back to your old habits.
The unhealthy eating starts, the exercise stops and the weight starts to creep back.
Like any journey, one day you find yourself at a crossroad wondering "WHAT IN THE WORLD HAPPENED"?? you get on the scale and with horror discovered that you have regained all or most of the weight you lost.
You may even have a pity party! And soon enough those words will pass your lips "I fell off the wagon.
Really? Did you fall of THE wagon? OR did you decide to respond to life the only way that is comforting or familiar to you? Trust me I have experienced this scenario and as one would say "been there, done that" but the only difference is that I wasn't on a wagon, I was and still am on my journey to great health! Ladies, its time to get rid of the WAGON mentality, there isn't a wagon, you are on a journey; a journey full of bumpy roads, speed bumps, detours, stop signs, a journey that will require you to dig deep to figure out the "why" of your weight, why you eat, when you eat and what pushes you to eat.
You are on a journey of self discovery not to skinny because trust me, reaching your goals alone will not make all of your problems disappear.
I discovered that this journey of overall healthy living that I am on is NOT about motivation, its about my commitment to my wellbeing, to my life.
Think of it this way, when you are in a committed relationship you don't need MOTIVATION to stay together, you've made the commitment to that person (spouse, sister, brother, girlfriend) to make the relationship work..
so WHY is it so hard to make a commitment to yourself? To invest in YOU? To eliminate the very things that does your body harm? Ask yourself these 2 important questions:
  1. WHY do I need motivation to make myself HEALTHY?
  2. WHY cant I COMMIT to ME? not my hair, clothes, shoes or accessories but to MY HEALTH, MY BODY the that makes me "look" good
I have NEVER heard anyone say "I have fallen off the Wagon" when they are describing a relationship on the mends or in need of repair! We take others so seriously but the most important person we need to commit to is often pushed to the curb! Make today the day that you decided mind, body and soul to get back on the road to a healthy lifestyle, YES its HARD, nothing worth having comes easy!! You will hit bumps but it's a learning process, we learn and grow in relationships (and that too is a journey) so lets learn and grow within ourselves.
You are in a relationship with yourself, take a moment and listen to what your body is telling you, give it what it needs, nurture, cherish and honor it as you would any relationship that is important to you.
Declare today that you are no loner a wagon but in a relationship, on a journey to life a healthy, happy fabulous diet free life.
To your best health, Ange Anglade

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