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How to Reduce Your Risk of a Stroke

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This is subject that is very near and dear to me.
My Mother may God rest her soul, had a massive stroke.
She was a heavy smoker and would not heed anyone's warning (including mine), her death was such a waste.
We all wanted her around longer.
Now I am sure you realize that a diet of butter, bacon, cheeseburgers, and your processed foods quickly puts you on the fast track for a heart attack.
But did you think that it also increased your chance of a stroke? Well it does, it may be caused by the narrowing of your arteries.
So in regards to a stroke the blood vessels that feed your brain have gotten clogged.
Now a very small percentage of your strokes are not caused by your clogged arteries but by some ruptured ones.
It should be obvious to you that the underlying problem was similar so I would suggest to you that so should the resolution.
What is the resolution you say, well how about you quitting smoking, you getting back to exercising (if you ever did in the first place) and of course creating a new diet.
Is your health worth the effort? I hope you think enough of yourself to take action and reduce your risk of a stroke as well as a heart attack.
Now do as I mentioned in the prior paragraph and you will surely reduce your risk of a stroke.
Now I know that some of the risk factors such as your age, your gender, and your genes can not be changed but you can help your high blood pressure.
High blood pressure is a leading factor in stroke and heart disease, do something about it.
It has been proven that you women that eat a western style diet increase your risk of a stroke by 58 percent.
So if you would like to lower your risk by 30 percent eat a diet of whole grains, fruits, fish and vegetables, this is the same diet that builds your immunity to many other disease.
And as always you must eat well to be well.

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