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How to Get Thin Quick - Lose Up to 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

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Would you like to shed the extra pounds and get thin quick? Are you ready to get serious about losing the weight and do whatever it takes to get to your goal? Then this article will show you the way to boost your weight loss so you can lose up to 10 pounds in 2 weeks.
I encourage you to take just 2 minutes right now to read on.
Get Thin Quick 1.
Eliminate carbohydrates after lunch.
One of the fastest ways to get the pounds to drop off is to keep your carbohydrate intake low in the evenings.
During the day your metabolism changes.
In the morning it is revving up and your body uses carbs during this time by converting them to needed energy.
As your day progresses you need less energy and your body now takes those same carbs and instead of converting them to energy to be used right away it stores them as fat - which is really stored energy.
Keep your calories low during the week and boost them on the weekend.
Your body adapts quickly to new routines so if you cut your calorie intake and keep it low your body will adapt to this new level and slow your metabolism to match it - not good! You must outsmart your body so it does not adapt and the easy way to do that is to stick with your low calories during the week then on one of the weekend days boost your calorie intake by 25-50%.
This will recharge your metabolism and keep the weight dropping week after week without a plateau.
Use HIIT workouts.
This stands for high intensity interval training and anyone, even a beginner, can use this to maximize fat loss.
Start with a 5 minute warm-up and then every minute increase your pace until you are working at your maximum possible effort then back down to rest for a minute before heading up again.
Do this for 20 minutes.
You can get thin quick and for even more great tips follow the links below.

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