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What a Root Canal Is, and Why You Might Need One

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When a dentist mentions a root canal, uncertainty and concern are common reactions.
Why is the dentist saying this procedure is needed for my teeth? Root canal procedures are often necessary to save a tooth that has been significantly damaged from tooth decay or infection.
Someone who needs it, and does not get it, may face a more serious infection that can lead to the development of an abscess.
This often leads to pain and the eventual removal of the tooth.
Instead of viewing the need for this procedure as a dismaying problem, see it as a solution for saving your tooth.
What Happens During a Root Canal Procedure? During this procedure, the damaged portion of the tooth is removed.
Where is the canal of the tooth? As described by About.
com, "The space inside the tooth from the center, known as the pulp chamber that travels down the length of the root to the tip or apex is called a canal, or more specifically, a root canal.
" The canal can become infected or damaged.
When this happens, the dentist recommending this procedure will use various tools, and drill into the canal to remove the infected or damaged portion.
After its removal, the dentist fills in the hole, and then caps it off.
This helps to protect the tooth from further infection.
Why Might You Need This Treatment? There are numerous reasons your dentist may recommend this procedure as the best option for your oral health.
The following are examples of why it may be needed:
  • The most common reason is tooth decay.
    When damage occurs to the enamel of the tooth and penetrates down into the next layer of the tooth, called the dentin, and goes even further, into the pulp of the tooth, a root canal procedure is necessary.
  • In some cases, it is necessary if there is a chipped or broken tooth that exposes the nerve within the tooth.
    This very painful condition is often only resolved with this procedure or an extraction of the tooth.
  • It may be necessary when tooth decay produces an abscess.
    An abscess occurs when an infection forms in the open spaces of the canal.
  • In some situations, aging or past traumatic incidents can cause a tooth to slowly die.
    When this happens, it may be necessary to use this solution to restore the health of the tooth or to prevent further damage.
If your dentist recommends a root canal procedure, ask why and for more details about it.
Find out if there are any other solutions to the problem.
In most cases, this treatment offers the best, long-term solution.

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