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Diet Tips For Healthy Teeth

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Do you want to have healthy teeth and gums? If yes then keep on reading this article.
In this article you will find information about diet which can help you to have healthy and beautiful teeth.
If a person wants to have healthy teeth he should maintain proper acidic balance in the oral cavity.
You should always avoid sugar and sweets.
Sweets are usually acidic in nature.
Acids are the main cause for cavity formation.
It is a good idea to eat sweets during meals.
A great amount of saliva is produced when you eat.
Saliva is a natural neutralizer of harmful acids.
Avoid snacks in between the meals.
Try some healthy form of snacks.
You can eat raw carrots.
Crackers with cheese are also a good option.
Your diet should contain lot of green vegetables and fruits.
Fruits and vegetables are good source of vitamins and minerals.
Vitamins are essential for healthy teeth and gums.
Apples are natural cleaner of teeth.
It is very important to rinse the mouth after every meal.
Water washes out all the harmful acids.
Your diet should be rich in calcium.
Cottage cheese is a good source of calcium.
Avoid drinking fizzy drinks as they are harmful for enamel.
It is a good idea to use a straw while you drink carbonated drinks.
You can replace all your fizzy drinks with water or milk.
Teeth are one of the most important parts of body and they need special care from us.
A combination of proper diet and proper dental hygiene can help you to have healthy and white teeth.

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