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How to Remove Belly Button Rings

104 22
    • 1). Wash your hands with antibacterial soap and water. You want your hands to be clean in order to prevent infection.

    • 2). Hold the base of the belly button ring with one hand. Place the forefinger and thumb of your other hand on the small ball at the end of the ring.

    • 3). Unscrew the ball by turning it counter-clockwise. Though less common, some belly button rings unscrew if you turn them clockwise. Gently test the ring to determine which way to turn the ball.

    • 4). Remove the ball from the end of the ring once you have fully unscrewed it.

    • 5). Pull the barbell portion of the belly button ring down. While you pull it down, bring it away from your body, effectively removing it from your belly button hole.

    • 6). Go to a professional piercing shop or a doctor's office if you have difficulty removing the belly button ring. Never force the ring out as this can tear your skin and lead to scarring.


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