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New Years weight loss time!

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Its almost time for your new years weight loss plan!  Every year many Americans add an extra couple pounds to their weight and a couple inches to their waistline.  Then in January, everyone creates their new years weight loss resolution with the hopes of losing all that weight.

Well, its almost time for you to make your new years weight loss resolution, if you are in the same boat as many other people.  The question is, how are you going to go about your weight loss?  Are you going to be like those on "The Biggest Loser" and spend hour upon hour in the gym working out?  Or are you going to be one of those who tries to starve themselves into a smaller pair of pants?

Well, you don't have to do either of those and here is how.

First of all, exercise is great for your health, but unless you supplement your workout with a healthy diet, you will be working out for nothing.  But that does not mean you starve yourself....  it means, you eat healthy, good meals.

If you decide to go the starvation diet way, just please understand that you are both putting your health and your success at risk.  Your body needs nourishment, plain and simple.  If you body realizes that it is not receiving the nourishment it needs, then it will counter act the lack of calories by shutting down your metabolism...therefore, you wont be losing weight.  Besides all of that, starving yourself just isnt fun!

The best way to start your new years weight loss is by eating smaller meals more often.  What that does is allows your body to consistently burn the calories rather than having the roller coaster effect of a 3 meal a day routine.  If you start with this, and add in 15 to 20 minutes of light exercise 3 days a week, you will see fast results.

But, to be sure, there is no real fast way to lose weight that is long lasting.  Sure, you can drop 10 - 20 pounds fast, but that is generally water weight.  What you are looking for is a long term results and the only way to do that is with a healthy, well planned diet.

You want a diet that will burn the fat off your body, not just worry about "weight."  Because it is truly not weight you want to lose, but its fat.  Fat is what adds the extra inches to your waist line and fat is what makes your body not the way you want it.

Now is the good can find a great new years weight loss plan here.

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