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Advice For Natural Female Bodybuilding

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I'm going to share with you some of my advice for natural female bodybuilding. This is a great sport to get into because it is one of the most challenging you'll ever participate in. The thing I like best about it is that it is a 24hr/day sport. Other sports usually end after you get off the field, but this something that is still being done after you leave the gym. It happens in the kitchen. It happens on how much you sleep. It's a challenge that I like.

How does food breakdown?

Food breaks down into basically three different components: protein, carbs and. Each plays a vital role and should be in your diet no matter what. Protein is required to build and maintain lean body mass. This includes vital organs and your muscle tissue. Carbs are required for high energy periods, like working out. Finally, fat is required for the internal workings of your body. This would include hormone production. All play a vital role and all should be in the diet. Since you understand there point, you should be able to better understand what you should be eating. For example, you should be eating protein consistently throughout the day because your muscles repair consistently throughout the day. Also, you shouldn't eat carbs in the evening because carbs are for high energy and you're probably going to bed. Unused energy gets stores as fat on the body.

How often should I be eating?

You should be eating about every 2-3hrs. Studies show that when you eat protein, it's effects only last around 2-4hrs, so you should be eating in the same time frame. I always recommend 2-3hrs because sometimes it takes a little longer when you're preparing food. The reason you eat this often is a. it speeds up your metabolism and b. it increases your potential to put on muscle. Muscles repair throughout the day, so having a consistent flow of protein to them makes your potential for muscle building much better.

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