How to Make It Look Like You're Wearing Eyeliner on MyTheme
- 1). Open your Web browser and navigate to the "MyThemes" image editor Web page.
- 2). Click the "Choose File" button, then click to select a photo from your computer. Click "Open," then click "Upload Now!" To use a photo that is online, type the photo's URL in the "Open from Web with URL of Image" text field, then click "Go."
- 3). Hover your mouse over the "Draw" menu, then click "Drawing Tool."
- 4). Click to select "Free Hand Pencil" from the "Tool" drop-down menu.
- 5). Type "1" or "2" in the "Pen Size" text field. Click the "Pick" button, then click to select a color for the eyeliner.
- 6). Click and drag around the outer edge of each eye in the uploaded photo to add a thin line of color. Click the "Apply" button after drawing the eyeliner to save your progress.
- 7). Click to select a new color similar in tone to your initial color, then click and drag around the outside of the eye to create a blending tone, which will help the eyeliner color look more natural. Click "Apply" to save.
- 8). Click the "Your Computer" link next to the "Save To" text at the bottom of the Web page when you are finished adding eyeliner to the photo.
- 9). Type a file name for the edited photo and choose a save location on your computer.
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Click the "Save" button to save the photo.