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Exercising for Women - 4 Ways to Keep Yourself Motivated

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Exercising, for women, means numerous health benefits.
Not only will you slim down, but you can also alleviate stress, boost your immune system, and strengthen your bones which helps prevent osteoporosis.
Exercising, for women, also means setting your needs as a priority.
It is hard to balance a career, a family, the household chores, the pets, and the list goes on and on.
Don't let exercise be at the very bottom of your list of things to do.
Here are 4 ways to get motivated and keep yourself motivated to exercise.
Sign up for an event.
There are plenty of 5k and 10k walk/runs out there or you could even sign up for a triathlon.
This will be setting a goal for yourself.
Once you sign up you will have a specific date on which the event takes place, and this can be great motivation to exercise on a regular basis.
Especially if your sign up for a triathlon, you will need to train in order to complete the event.
The feeling of satisfaction you get as you cross the finish line will be amazing! 2.
Get an at-home fitness program.
For some women exercising at the gym is intimidating because there is a lot of equipment there and we may not know how to use some of the machines without hurting ourselves.
There are also membership fees and certain hours of operation.
So getting an at-home program you can fit your workouts into your schedule much easier.
Find a workout buddy.
With some kind of support system you will have a better chance of continuing exercise.
Knowing that someone is waiting for you to go out and exercise is great motivation to show up and get it done.
Your workout buddy will help you stay accountable and vice versa.
Work out listening to your favorite music.
Exercising for women can have a fun side.
Turn the radio on or listen to your iPod.
You can make a playlist that starts with your favorite song at the time, then put a few more upbeat and high energy songs for the middle of your workout, and as you wind down you can put some slower songs at the end of your playlist.
Your workouts will be longer and more enjoyable if you are listening to music.
Exercising for women helps to build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints.
Exercising also helps women control their weight, build lean muscle and reduce body fat.
When you begin an exercise program you should start out slowly.
This way you will be less likely to burn yourself out.
Try starting with ten minutes of exercise and gradually increase how long you exercise and the intensity of your exercise.
If you start small and use these tips to keep yourself motivated when exercising then you will be able to complete a marathon or triathlon in just a couple of months!

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