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How to Fold Pocket Hankies

104 36

    Square Fold

    • 1). Lay the pocket square flat. Fold it in half, lengthwise, so that it is now a rectangle. Crease the edges as you fold to maintain shape.

    • 2). Fold the rectangle in half again, so that it becomes another, smaller square.

    • 3). Fold the bottom half up about 1/2 inch below the top edge.

    • 4). Place the pocket square in the jacket pocket with the longer, unfolded edge facing out. Adjust the pocket square so that some of it is peeking out of the pocket.

    Puff Fold

    • 1). Lay the pocket square flat. Pinch the material in the middle and lift up.

    • 2). Use the thumb and index finger of your other hand to create a ring around the pocket square immediately below where you are pinching it.

    • 3). Pull downward about halfway to form a flute shape. Still pinching the middle, lay the pocket square down in its flute shape.

    • 4). Fold the pinched end of the pocket square to just below the fluted end.

    • 5). Put the folded pocket square into the jacket pocket with the fluted end protruding.

    Triangle Fold

    • 1). Lay your pocket square flat so that it looks like a diamond. Fold the left corner of the pocket square over to the center.

    • 2). Fold the right corner to the center so it just overlaps the left corner.

    • 3). Fold the bottom corner up to the center, covering both the left and right corners.

    • 4). Tuck the pocket square into the jacket pocket so that the top corner triangle is showing and the folded corners are hidden in the jacket. Adjust as needed so that it fits properly into the pocket.


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