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Natural Ways to Make My Gray Hair Brighter

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    • Your stylist should be able to give you a haircut that makes the most of your silver hair. You'll want a modern, youthful cut, but not one that's so young it actually makes you look older. A youthful cut can still be mature; for example, long hair works great on young women, but can age older women. Layered cuts that fall above the shoulders are often good choices. The best men's cuts for gray hair are short, but not buzzed. Keep in mind that long facial hair ages a man's face.


    • Gray hair should be straightened to appear more silky smooth. Gray hair absorbs light; hair that's curly, wavy or frizzy absorbs the light, but does not reflect it. Straight hair creates more shine when the light hits your strands. Straighten hair with a large round brush and follow up with a flat iron to make strands as straight and sleek as possible.


    • Several products on the market brighten up a head of gray hair. The main goal is to keep hair moisturized. Choose shampoos and conditioners that boast moisture-rich properties. Use plenty of conditioner in the shower and run a leave-in conditioner through your hair after the shower. Shine serums make your locks shimmer when you're finished styling. If you have long hair, use a clear gloss every month to increase shine throughout your strands, all the way down to the ends.


    • The quickest way to zap shine from gray hair is to expose it to damaging elements, like heat and sun. Wear a hat if you're in the sun for a prolonged period of time, or spritz your hair with spray that contains an SPF. Limit heat styling by washing and styling your hair every-other day instead of daily. Your hair also needs to be protected from chlorine; when swimming, wear a bathing cap or keep your head above water.


    • If you like your gray hair, but want an extra boost of color, have lowlights or highlights added. This extra shot of color can make your natural color kick up a notch, and complement your skin tone. Lowlights are created by adding a color that's darker than your natural hair color to strips of hair. Highlights involve bleach and, while adding lighter strands of hair may look great, be careful of bleaching hair that's already dry.


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