Learn These Self Defense Tips for Women
Self defense is more than just guarding yourself against an attack.
It is also related to how you protect your personal space and your private life.
So, aside from learning how to punch and kick, it will be necessary for you to know about these essentials: There are limits for every person.
Even for your friends, you have to set limits.
This can be related to physical limits.
You might not be comfortable with another person, especially one who is not close to you, to be encroaching in your personal space.
Sometimes, you might need to guard personal information about you.
You will not only protect your finances.
You will also be protecting yourself.
You do not want the whole world to know where your house is located.
Avoid using social networking websites to share your address to the world.
You might not realize it, but using certain features of certain websites that allow you to post about your location can already compromise your privacy.
Make sure that you are in full control of the privacy settings of your account.
Do not allow people whom you do not know or do not trust know sensitive information about you.
Then, you have to think about how you carry yourself.
Make sure that you do not look easily intimidated, even if deep inside, you are.
You do not want to fall prey to other people.
And so, you have to maintain an appeal that you are not a prey.
On the other hand, you have also to keep in mind that you should not act like you own the place.
Do not look like a scaredy-cat.
But, you should likewise avoid being too overly confident.
Be in the know.
Educate yourself about current issues and occurrences in your locality.
Update yourself with the latest news.
When there are concerns with regards to the security of the people in the area, the authorities will make use of the media's help.
As this can be the only way that you will be reached, make it a point to keep yourself updated.
In some occasions, you just need to have a little more confidence and talk back.
Your attacker or would-be attacker might think twice about pushing through with what they are planning if you can show them that you will not be easily pushed around.
When you have to be out at late hours in the night, it will help if you are always with someone.
Avoid walking alone in deserted streets both at night and in the day.
More importantly, be with another person or a group of persons when you are in a parking lot or in a dimly lit area.
Lastly, do not be hesitant to call for help.
No matter how small the threat is, you need to get the attention of other people who might be willing to help.
Even if you are not yet sure about the existence of a threat, it might be helpful if you already have another person at the other end of the phone line, for example.
It is also related to how you protect your personal space and your private life.
So, aside from learning how to punch and kick, it will be necessary for you to know about these essentials: There are limits for every person.
Even for your friends, you have to set limits.
This can be related to physical limits.
You might not be comfortable with another person, especially one who is not close to you, to be encroaching in your personal space.
Sometimes, you might need to guard personal information about you.
You will not only protect your finances.
You will also be protecting yourself.
You do not want the whole world to know where your house is located.
Avoid using social networking websites to share your address to the world.
You might not realize it, but using certain features of certain websites that allow you to post about your location can already compromise your privacy.
Make sure that you are in full control of the privacy settings of your account.
Do not allow people whom you do not know or do not trust know sensitive information about you.
Then, you have to think about how you carry yourself.
Make sure that you do not look easily intimidated, even if deep inside, you are.
You do not want to fall prey to other people.
And so, you have to maintain an appeal that you are not a prey.
On the other hand, you have also to keep in mind that you should not act like you own the place.
Do not look like a scaredy-cat.
But, you should likewise avoid being too overly confident.
Be in the know.
Educate yourself about current issues and occurrences in your locality.
Update yourself with the latest news.
When there are concerns with regards to the security of the people in the area, the authorities will make use of the media's help.
As this can be the only way that you will be reached, make it a point to keep yourself updated.
In some occasions, you just need to have a little more confidence and talk back.
Your attacker or would-be attacker might think twice about pushing through with what they are planning if you can show them that you will not be easily pushed around.
When you have to be out at late hours in the night, it will help if you are always with someone.
Avoid walking alone in deserted streets both at night and in the day.
More importantly, be with another person or a group of persons when you are in a parking lot or in a dimly lit area.
Lastly, do not be hesitant to call for help.
No matter how small the threat is, you need to get the attention of other people who might be willing to help.
Even if you are not yet sure about the existence of a threat, it might be helpful if you already have another person at the other end of the phone line, for example.