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How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks After Pregnancy

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Women become complete after they give birth. Bringing a new life to the world can be a life changing experience for any women; the joy of your baby looking up at you and giving that first smile can erase all the pain quite easily. However, the stretch marks on your abdomen, thighs and legs can prove to be an irritant in this scenario. Many a times, the stretch marks would simply refuse to go away, forcing you to wear dresses not particularly flattering to your figure.

How can you alter such a situation? One of the easiest and most affordable ways to reduce the stretch marks is to use a free stretch mark cream.

Stretch marks appear when the skin is stretched beyond its elasticity. This might happen during pregnancy or any other period where there is a rapid gain or loss in body weight. During the latter part of pregnancy, these marks would typically show up in the lower abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks or arms of women. At first, they appear as red or purple lines and are the most pronounced during the sixth and seventh month of pregnancy. After delivery, these marks tend to fade out naturally to a pink, white or silvery color. This process however takes time. If it is in your genes, there is nothing much you can do to avoid the coming up of stretch marks.

There are some special creams to reduce stretch marks currently available in the market. Use them regularly and you can see an improvement in the intensity of your marks. A regular use can also reduce the itchiness and dryness in your skin.

Celtrixa is one such topical lotion that can work its magic on the depth, color and depression of stretch marks to a considerable extent. Formulated with key ingredients showing amazing results in clinical studies, this stretch mark cream is finding a lot of takers. Approximately 85 percent of people using this cream in an active ingredient study reported a decrease in the width and color of their stretch marks. The key ingredients in this cream hydrate the skin and make it visibly brighter.

During pregnancy, you would need to keep a check on the rate of your weight gain. Gaining weight in a controlled manner and keeping your skin nourished is of utmost importance, if you want to keep those ugly marks at bay. Eating healthy can also reduce the intensity of stretch marks to a great extent.

Stay well hydrated by drinking lots of water and keep skin moisturized to ensure that it is stretch mark free. You need to take around eight or more glasses of water in a day to keep your skin young, supple and devoid of stretch marks.

The easiest and the most affordable non-surgical way of reducing these marks would be the use of a free stretch mark cream. There are some manufacturers offering special deals, wherein customers can avail risk free trials and know more about the efficacy of the product by paying only the shipping and processing fees. You can visit the official website of Celtrixa to know more about a free trial in this stretch mark removal cream.

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