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A review of obesity

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Many people today think that obesity doesn't mean anything else besides a less fashionable look, but they are completely wrong about that. Obesity is a big problem nowadays and it became an epidemic; it's a disorder that is spreading very fast across the whole world.

Basically obesity means having too much fat on your body. First of all, if you are obese then you will have more strain on your joints and bones and they would have to sustain more weight than before. This can lead to arthritis in the long run for you. Also when you have more weight, that will make you be less active than before, which in turn will lead to putting on even more weight.

Lack of physical activity and high cholesterol levels that are brought by eating too much of the wrong food can in some way impair working of your heart and blood vessels. This can lead to things like high blood pressure, stroke and other conditions. Being overweight can also lead to apnea (cessation of breathing while sleeping).

However, there is hope on the horizon - with a little patience and effort, obesity can be cured. As obesity is spreading throughout the world, so do the efforts to cure this disease increase as well. If you want to get rid of obesity, the best thing would be to first talk to your physician about it.

If being overweight really becomes a problem for you, then using some form of weight loss diet pills can be very beneficial. There are many types of those supplements on the market, but definitely natural appetite suppressants are proven to give you great results in terms of losing weight.

How to recognize obesity?

Textbook definition of obesity is if a person has body mass index (BMI) of 30 or above. Body Mass Index is a measure of a person's weight that is scaled according to person's height. BMI concept was developed by Belgian scientist Adolphe Quetelet in 1840. This number has a purpose to show you the amount of fat stored in your body. The higher your BMI is the worst your exposure to certain diseases and health risks is.

Doctors also tell us that having a lot of fat stored around your waist can increase the risk of developing certain diseases. Going above size 35 for women and size 40 for men means only possible problems in the future.

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