Yeast Infection – Dangerous Toxins Can Develop If A Yeast Infection Is Left Untreated
A yeast infection or thrush is a fungal infection which comes from the bacteria species known as Candida of which Candida albicans is the most common. For women who have a vaginal yeast infection they will experience symptoms of itching, burning, soreness and pain. Additionally, some women may also have a vaginal discharge of a white like substance that resembles cottage cheese. This fungus, Candida yeast, if left without intervention with time can allow for the production of about 80 toxic substances to grow and poison your body.
Two of the most common toxins that can come from this candida yeast are Canditoxin and Ethanol. Both these toxins will negatively affect your brain by allowing it to release its own toxic chemical compounds that will interfere with your nervous system. And, by not treating your yeast infection it will allow for the overgrowth of candida to release the canditoxin and ethanol into your blood stream.
Canditoxins can generate paralysis, nervousness, a deficient immune system and death. Ethanol can cause fatigue, depression, and aggression. During research, when rats were injected with these two toxins the results were paralysis and death. These two toxins are known to cause many other symptoms such as, eczema, sinus problems, oral thrush, food allergies and many others.
As you can see the overgrowth of candida can be extremely dangerous when left untreated. The fungus can also cause other toxins to grow which can block nutrient absorption or grow Rhizoids which can take root in the intestinal walls and cause symptoms that are similar to IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Ultimately, these Rhizoids can inflame and cause Leaky Gut Syndrome which is a damaged bowel lining.
Once the toxins get into your blood system it is then called Systemic Candida. This is basically a fungal invasion that can affect almost every organ and tissue in your body. Once this stage is reached there can be the development of bowel disorders, food intolerances, allergies or even asthma. Eventually, an auto-immune disorder can develop because your body will begin attacking itself at a cellular level. All of this can result from you not treating a yeast infection quickly and adequately. So it is extremely important that as soon as you experience the first symptoms of a yeast infection you begin treatment as soon as possible.
Currently there are a variety of over-the-counter anti-yeast infection ointments and treatments that are available, but it is highly suggested and recommended that you consult with your physician before trying any medication to make sure you are using the proper treatment. Get more information on Yeast Infections Treatments Click Here!
Two of the most common toxins that can come from this candida yeast are Canditoxin and Ethanol. Both these toxins will negatively affect your brain by allowing it to release its own toxic chemical compounds that will interfere with your nervous system. And, by not treating your yeast infection it will allow for the overgrowth of candida to release the canditoxin and ethanol into your blood stream.
Canditoxins can generate paralysis, nervousness, a deficient immune system and death. Ethanol can cause fatigue, depression, and aggression. During research, when rats were injected with these two toxins the results were paralysis and death. These two toxins are known to cause many other symptoms such as, eczema, sinus problems, oral thrush, food allergies and many others.
As you can see the overgrowth of candida can be extremely dangerous when left untreated. The fungus can also cause other toxins to grow which can block nutrient absorption or grow Rhizoids which can take root in the intestinal walls and cause symptoms that are similar to IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Ultimately, these Rhizoids can inflame and cause Leaky Gut Syndrome which is a damaged bowel lining.
Once the toxins get into your blood system it is then called Systemic Candida. This is basically a fungal invasion that can affect almost every organ and tissue in your body. Once this stage is reached there can be the development of bowel disorders, food intolerances, allergies or even asthma. Eventually, an auto-immune disorder can develop because your body will begin attacking itself at a cellular level. All of this can result from you not treating a yeast infection quickly and adequately. So it is extremely important that as soon as you experience the first symptoms of a yeast infection you begin treatment as soon as possible.
Currently there are a variety of over-the-counter anti-yeast infection ointments and treatments that are available, but it is highly suggested and recommended that you consult with your physician before trying any medication to make sure you are using the proper treatment. Get more information on Yeast Infections Treatments Click Here!