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Pectoral workout, learn how to build a muscular chest faster than ever before!

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The pectoral workout is for you if you want to grow amazing chest muscles. The chest has been known since the beginning of time as the mantel piece of a healthy man. The Pecs are the muscles in your chest and these muscles fall under one of the large muscle groups. Many people really try to build chest muscle but it never seems to work, the main reason is that they don’t know how to train large muscle groups. Large muscle groups have complex muscle fibres and may grow slower than smaller muscle groups such as your biceps.

So here I have provided you with a full pectoral workout that will help you gain more muscle mass on your chest area in no time so include these exercises in your workout. Never train your chest after your triceps it will retard your chest muscle workout performance slowing your progress down.

So good luck and here is your complete Pectoral workout

Pectoral workout exercise 1

Flat dumbbell press

To do the flat bench press you lay flat on a free standing bench. Grab your gym partner and get him to spot you. Have your partner pass you each dumbbell, then after you have griped them, press them upward, you would want to do it forcefully, and on the way down you let your arms down slowly you should feel your muscles pull till you completely lowered. Do your reps till you fail?

5 sets x 10-12 reps (1 min rest)

Pectoral workout exercise 2

Peck deck butterflies

So first you should go find a pec deck machine in the gym, should be in most gyms. When you have found it set your body accordingly. Then start to perform the exercise by pushing your forearms and elbows together so they will almost touch each other. You must make sure to really push your pectoral muscles till the limits.

5 sets x 10-12 reps (1 min rest)

Pectoral workout exercise 3

Weighted push ups

Your body should be fully straight and stretched out, and then only the tips of your toes and your palms should be touching the ground. Your hands should be just under your shoulders axis and flat on the ground. Now when you have correct form lower your body evenly and when you in your end position your arms should be bent in a 90 degree angle. After you have mastered push ups get your spotter to lay weights on your back making it very challenging. Go up five pounds a week.

5 sets x 10-12 reps (1 min rest)

Well did you know most people in the gym are working out wrong and using drugs and expecting to build long lasting strong muscle it doesn’t work that way! Drugs will do more harm than good. I used to battle all the time just to put a few pounds until I uncovered this guild that helped me build more muscle faster than ever before. I learnt everything I needed to know and gained 40 pounds of rock hard muscle in six months. So only if you serious about muscle building visit this site thank you for reading hope you get the ripped chest you dreamt about.

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