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How to Make Delicious Hot Coffee

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      Just below boiling is the ideal temperature.Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images

      Boil water in a traditional kettle on the stove or an electric one with automatic shut-off (the latter is more expensive, but in the long run uses less gas or electricity). Use water just below boiling by bringing it to a boil, then wait 30 seconds or so for it to cool, rather than watching the thermometer.

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      Use whole beans if possible.Jupiterimages/ Images

      Grind your beans. Grinding whole beans instead of buying pre-ground makes a big difference in flavor. For press coffee, you want a relatively course grind, about the size of kosher salt flakes. You need 1 tbsp. ground coffee for each cup you drink.

    • 3). Pour the ground coffee into your press. When the water is at the correct temperature, pour the it in slowly. Take time to stir the grounds and water together, mixing the grounds uniformly. Do not pour the water too high, or you prevent the press from working correctly.

    • 4). Let the coffee steep. For a small, single-cup pot, 2 minutes should suffice. For a larger pot, 4 minutes is standard.

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      A great cup of coffee is a perfect start to your day.NA/ Images

      After the coffee steeps, press the plunger and separate your delicious coffee from the grounds. Press slowly and apply uniform pressure. Pushing too much on one side or another could result in an uneven seal and leave you with grounds in the coffee.

    • 6). If you use quality beans, you have coffee as good as the best coffee shops in town. Total preparation time should be about 10 minutes, most of it waiting for water to boil and the coffee to steep.


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