How to Lose 20 Pounds in 4 Weeks
Is it possible to Lose 20 pounds in 4 weeks and is it healthy to lose this much weight in such a short amount of time? The short answer is that it can be done, but to lose that much weight in that amount of time is going to take more focus and discipline than if you were to give yourself 3 months to lose it, which I would recommend.
To reach this goal you're going to have to exercise intensely almost everyday of the week, adhere to a strict diet, and make sure you get a good night's sleep.
So the first part of the equation to lose 20 pounds in 4 weeks is to adjust your diet so that it is made up almost entirely of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.
Also try to eat 4 smaller meals a day every 3 to 4 hours.
There is no room for junk food or soda at all, not in this time frame.
Eating these smaller meals more frequently will speed up your metabolism and the fibre and lean protein found in these foods will keep you feeling fuller for longer, which will help you to not over eat.
I personally am not a fan of low carbohydrate diets as I believe they can be unhealthy long term, but you can definitely lose weight fast by cutting down on carbohydrates and concentrating on eating more protein and vegetables.
So cutting carbohydrates temporarily may help you to lose 20 pounds in 4 weeks.
Try to eat your fruit by itself 20 to 30 minutes before eating your meals.
This will make it digest properly and the fibre content it has will keep you from overeating at your meal.
The second part of the equation to lose 20 pounds in 4 weeks is to engage in vigorous activity at least 5 times a week.
The best fat burning exercise is interval training combined with strength training.
The interval training will burn fat fast during your workout and the strength training will build lean muscle, speed up your metabolism, and keep your body burning fat throughout the day continuing long after your workout is over.
Be diligent and you will definitely see results.
You can lose 20 pounds in 4 weeks, but keep in mind that losing this much weight in so short amount of time is pretty radical so I suggest spreading your plan over 3 months.
Seek the advice of a professional before embarking on any quick weight loss scheme and remember results vary.
If you're heavily overweight you can lose a lot of weight pretty quickly whereas if you're relatively slim to start with losing the last few pounds can be difficult, but doable.
To reach this goal you're going to have to exercise intensely almost everyday of the week, adhere to a strict diet, and make sure you get a good night's sleep.
So the first part of the equation to lose 20 pounds in 4 weeks is to adjust your diet so that it is made up almost entirely of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.
Also try to eat 4 smaller meals a day every 3 to 4 hours.
There is no room for junk food or soda at all, not in this time frame.
Eating these smaller meals more frequently will speed up your metabolism and the fibre and lean protein found in these foods will keep you feeling fuller for longer, which will help you to not over eat.
I personally am not a fan of low carbohydrate diets as I believe they can be unhealthy long term, but you can definitely lose weight fast by cutting down on carbohydrates and concentrating on eating more protein and vegetables.
So cutting carbohydrates temporarily may help you to lose 20 pounds in 4 weeks.
Try to eat your fruit by itself 20 to 30 minutes before eating your meals.
This will make it digest properly and the fibre content it has will keep you from overeating at your meal.
The second part of the equation to lose 20 pounds in 4 weeks is to engage in vigorous activity at least 5 times a week.
The best fat burning exercise is interval training combined with strength training.
The interval training will burn fat fast during your workout and the strength training will build lean muscle, speed up your metabolism, and keep your body burning fat throughout the day continuing long after your workout is over.
Be diligent and you will definitely see results.
You can lose 20 pounds in 4 weeks, but keep in mind that losing this much weight in so short amount of time is pretty radical so I suggest spreading your plan over 3 months.
Seek the advice of a professional before embarking on any quick weight loss scheme and remember results vary.
If you're heavily overweight you can lose a lot of weight pretty quickly whereas if you're relatively slim to start with losing the last few pounds can be difficult, but doable.