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Top 10 Dental Health Tips

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Taking care of teeth and gums is of utmost important. Dental hygiene is important for overall well-being. Heart and diabetic patients , need to take care of their oral health.  Earlier, brushing twice daily was considered as the only healthy routine to maintain our teeth, but  there are many more ways to keep your smiles attractive and vibrant!

Follow the following tips to maintain good overall health and keep your pearly whites in tip-top shape.

1. Brush your teeth twice Daily:  Brush your teeth for at least two minutes. Make sure you brush on all sides of your teeth and get your tongue. Use the tips of the brush to clean the inside surfaces of the front teeth.  Brushing during day and night, helps to remove plaque and accumulated bacteria .Use a good toothpaste, Order Nature's Gate Toothpaste Online or pick a toothpaste that has ingredients like fluoride for better results.

2. Floss : This cleans the side of the teeth where you cannot reach. Proper flossing removes food particles and plaque. If not removed timely, they would weaken the enamel. It's better to floss than to visit your dentist!

3. Use of Mouthwash : Mouthwashes have antibacterial and antifungal properties. They help prevent the accumulation of oral bacteria. Using a mouthwash twice daily will reduce dental health complications.

4. Use a tongue scraper : It helps remove the plaque on the tongue. It works wonders with stale, smelly breath. You can use your brush also for the same purpose. Freshen your breath and reduce the accumulation of plaque .

5. Electric Toothbrushes : They work , as manual toothbrushes but are far faster and effective in removing plaque and bacteria .

6. Avoid Dry Mouth: Saliva protects the teeth from tooth decay and periodontal diseases . Lack of saliva reduces oral immunity increases the chances of cavities and tooth decay. Consult a doctor, if you suffer from problems like dry mouth.

7. Healthy Diet: Excessive amount of sugar, chocolates , junk food can lead to cavities. Snacking constantly causes the building of plaque. Many of us do not even care to gargle after we eat. This bad habit leaves food particles stuck between teeth, which cause cavities.

8. Maintain  White Teeth : Avoid Smoking, drinking wine or alcohol that may cause yellowing of teeth. These days, chewing gums are available for teeth whitening.

9. Waterjets : Just like flossing, waterjets are oral irrigators , that deliver a water jet blast to remove the accumulated bacteria and plaque.

10. Visit A dentist: Prevention is better than cure. Visit your dentist, frequently and get your routine teeth cleaning done. Ask your dentist for the best tooth paste as per your oral care needs.You can buy good oral care toothpaste, Shop for  Nature's Gate Products Online or pick a brand that leaves your mouth fresh and healthy!

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