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Fitness Goals - How to Maintain Self Motivation 101

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Starting a fitness program and giving it up after a couple of weeks is a frequent phenomenon. If you have also experienced it, then you are not alone. A large number of people go through this several times in their lives. They set fitness goals, try to achieve them at initial stages, and then quit them after getting bored easily. However, it is important to keep your spirits high in order to achieve your fitness goals. Therefore, you need to know how to stay motivated to lose weight. Here are a few tips that can help you in staying motivated through your weight loss program.

Setting Realistic Weight Loss Goals

You gained so much weight after several years of ignorance, and you are not going to loose it with only a month of diet and workout. You need to set realistic goals, and the best thing you can do is to set short-term goals. You will feel good whenever you achieve them, and this will keep you motivated through the fitness program.

Enjoy your Weight Loss Program

Nothing can work for you unless you start enjoying it. Try different activities as part of your weight loss program, and you are sure to enjoy it. Select some outdoor activities that you like participating in, such as playing basketball or volleyball, walking, joining martial arts center etc. Keep in mind that exercising does not only mean hard work. A healthier way to achieve success with your weight loss program is to follow it with fun.

Writing Down

Once you start up your fitness plan, a time may come your focus tends to deviate from your weight loss goals. In such situation, you start losing motivation to reduce weight. Writing down everything can be an ideal solution for this problem. Keep an exercise diary in which you can write your fitness goals and their benefits. Whenever you exercise, write down how good you feel about it. This will keep you motivated to continue with your fitness efforts.

Ask Friends to Join in

Exercising alone can be boring, but having someone beside you allows you to stay motivated during your fitness program. There may be other friends in your group who want to loose weight. You can ask them to join you. Besides this, you can also invite them to join fitness, health and weight loss classes with you.

You will not loose motivation if you reward yourself after achieving every short-term goal. This reward may not necessarily be a treat in a fast food restaurant. You can also buy a pair of high quality walking shoes as a reward to yourself.

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