Losing Weight in the New Year - 5 Key Points
Number One Repeat after me, "Slow Carb Diet.
" Do not think of this as a "diet" in the conventional sense of the word, think of it as modifying your eating habits.
It's not a four-letter word, alright it is a four-letter word but you get my point.
Go about changing your eating habits for life.
Check out Timothy Ferriss' new book The 4-Hour Body for complete details on the slow carb diet.
The five main points according to Ferriss, and I concur, are as follows: Avoid "white" carbs Eat the same few meals over and over again Don't drink calories Don't eat fruit Take one day off per week and go nuts The great thing about this style of eating is the "go nuts" day.
It's critical to your metabolism to throw this wrench into your diet once a week, without it you will not lose nearly the amount of weight you would otherwise.
Number Two Find at least two friends or family members who share your same fitness goals.
Accountability is key.
I have two friends that have committed to working out five days a week.
We use P90X and hold each other accountable for showing up and doing our best.
If one of us misses we owe one dollar.
We put the money in a pot for a future purchase that will benefit the "club.
" It's certainly not about losing a dollar, it's about knowing someone is waiting for you to workout and not letting that person down.
Number Three Once you find the friends you need to find a fitness program.
It's not all about losing weight.
You will feel much better if you are physically fit.
Make a goal of getting in the best shape of your life by the end of the year! You CAN do it! You will look better, feel better about yourself, and most importantly you will be warding off all kinds of nasty health effects of being fat and out of shape.
Not the least of which are high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardio vascular issues.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
I my fitness group uses P90X and we LOVE it.
P90X is produced by a company called BeachBody and they have a host of other products as well.
All of which have helped people get fit, both physically and financially.
Find a Beachbody Coach if this interests you and they can hook you up with the tools and motivation you need.
Number Four Do NOT set yourself up for failure.
Make small changes that you will be able to sustain over time.
Expect that you will have setbacks but know that, over time, you will succeed.
For example, don't want to change your eating habits all at once? Change one meal a day.
I would recommend eating a protein filled breakfast within one hour of waking.
Eat two or three eggs (or substitute) and a cup of coffee with cinnamon and vanilla extract for flavor.
Make one incremental change and monitor it's effects.
Of course, if you follow the Slow-Carb Diet and drop five pounds a week while eating whatever you like once a week - you may be able to just go for it all at once! I don't know about you but I am motivated by seeing that scale go down and my number of pull-ups go up.
I think we all like to see immediate results so...
Start on a Monday and don't deviate until Saturday - and the cheat day is not really a deviation, it's part of your plan! You can do it! Number Five Find a loftier purpose.
Don't just do it for yourself.
Do it for your wife, your kids, your grandkids! Not married? Even if you are, what about all the people in the world that could use a healthy you! Get off the couch, get fit and give back.
Find a non-profit to give your time to or start your own.
Find YOUR cause and the purpose for your fitness.
In summary: Slow Carb, Accountability, Fitness Program, Set yourself up for Success, Find your Purpose Need encouragement? Drop me a note.
We CAN do it! Have an amazing 2011!
" Do not think of this as a "diet" in the conventional sense of the word, think of it as modifying your eating habits.
It's not a four-letter word, alright it is a four-letter word but you get my point.
Go about changing your eating habits for life.
Check out Timothy Ferriss' new book The 4-Hour Body for complete details on the slow carb diet.
The five main points according to Ferriss, and I concur, are as follows: Avoid "white" carbs Eat the same few meals over and over again Don't drink calories Don't eat fruit Take one day off per week and go nuts The great thing about this style of eating is the "go nuts" day.
It's critical to your metabolism to throw this wrench into your diet once a week, without it you will not lose nearly the amount of weight you would otherwise.
Number Two Find at least two friends or family members who share your same fitness goals.
Accountability is key.
I have two friends that have committed to working out five days a week.
We use P90X and hold each other accountable for showing up and doing our best.
If one of us misses we owe one dollar.
We put the money in a pot for a future purchase that will benefit the "club.
" It's certainly not about losing a dollar, it's about knowing someone is waiting for you to workout and not letting that person down.
Number Three Once you find the friends you need to find a fitness program.
It's not all about losing weight.
You will feel much better if you are physically fit.
Make a goal of getting in the best shape of your life by the end of the year! You CAN do it! You will look better, feel better about yourself, and most importantly you will be warding off all kinds of nasty health effects of being fat and out of shape.
Not the least of which are high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardio vascular issues.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
I my fitness group uses P90X and we LOVE it.
P90X is produced by a company called BeachBody and they have a host of other products as well.
All of which have helped people get fit, both physically and financially.
Find a Beachbody Coach if this interests you and they can hook you up with the tools and motivation you need.
Number Four Do NOT set yourself up for failure.
Make small changes that you will be able to sustain over time.
Expect that you will have setbacks but know that, over time, you will succeed.
For example, don't want to change your eating habits all at once? Change one meal a day.
I would recommend eating a protein filled breakfast within one hour of waking.
Eat two or three eggs (or substitute) and a cup of coffee with cinnamon and vanilla extract for flavor.
Make one incremental change and monitor it's effects.
Of course, if you follow the Slow-Carb Diet and drop five pounds a week while eating whatever you like once a week - you may be able to just go for it all at once! I don't know about you but I am motivated by seeing that scale go down and my number of pull-ups go up.
I think we all like to see immediate results so...
Start on a Monday and don't deviate until Saturday - and the cheat day is not really a deviation, it's part of your plan! You can do it! Number Five Find a loftier purpose.
Don't just do it for yourself.
Do it for your wife, your kids, your grandkids! Not married? Even if you are, what about all the people in the world that could use a healthy you! Get off the couch, get fit and give back.
Find a non-profit to give your time to or start your own.
Find YOUR cause and the purpose for your fitness.
In summary: Slow Carb, Accountability, Fitness Program, Set yourself up for Success, Find your Purpose Need encouragement? Drop me a note.
We CAN do it! Have an amazing 2011!