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Joel Marion Reviews - Is He the Fat Loss Expert For You?

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In this article I want to focus on one fitness and nutrition expert and see whether he is right for you.
I'm referring to Joel Marion, the creator of the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet and the Cheat Your Way Thin program which have been used by thousands of men and women worldwide.
The reason why such a personal analysis is required is that the success of your fat loss efforts often depends on your choice of which expert to follow.
After all, there is more than one way to lose weight and not every way or the approach of every expert will be right for you.
Even successful fat loss plans don't work for everyone and for a multitude of reasons.
You can't really know for sure what will work for you but you can make an educated guess which will greatly increase your chances of success.
So, is Joel Marion and his programs right for you? Let's try to answer these questions together.
You need to ask yourself some questions to be able to figure out if Joel Marion is an expert you'd be wise to follow: 1.
Are you willing to workout hard - One thing which Joel Marion stresses in his programs is the importance of intensive workouts, mainly strength training.
You don't need to spend hours in the gym to be able to work with his programs and you can do quite well with a pair of dumbbells and a stability ball, but you need to be ready to make some serious effort.
If you're not able to workout for a medical reason or you simply don't want to make this kind of effort know that you can lose weight with nutrition alone.
You won't be able to look as firm and fit as a person who also works out, but you can lose weight.
However, I don't think that either of Joel Marion's methods is for you.
Both the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet and the Cheat Your Way Thin methods require intensive workouts.
The nutritional methods which Joel Marion uses are complex.
He often turns from one routine to another every day or so.
This can become a bit of a management challenge.
If you're looking for a set diet with a simple menu to follow, this is not the fat loss expert you should follow.
Joel can become a bit over-scientific in his writing.
This is due to the fact that he bases his programs on rigorous research.
However, for you, the reader, this may become a bit tedious.
Either you disregard the science and move straight to the action steps or you need to be able to read through it.
Joel Marion's writing is very readable, but some people may not care for any scientific data at all.
They just want to move ahead in the program.
Overall, Joel Marion is a well known and respected fat loss expert.
You can achieve excellent results with either of his programs.

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