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Anti-Aging Tips For Your 20's

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Most people in their 20's are not yet very much concerned about skin aging. Anti wrinkle creams and lifting creams aren't exactly necessary at this point of their life. However, did you know that majority of the women who have major wrinkle problems during their 30's did not take care of their skin when they were in their 20's? Most serious signs of skin aging such as wrinkles appear in our 30's but as early as our mid 20's our skin's ability to hold moisture starts to decrease. This is the reason why we should start taking extra care of our skin as early as our 20's to avoid having well pronounced wrinkles and other signs of skin aging in our early 30's. With this, let me share to you some tried and tested anti-aging tips that you can use in your 20's.

1. Use UV protection (sunscreen) everyday. Studies have shown that about 80% of premature skin aging happens because of UV damage. Sun is the main culprit for premature skin aging. Using sunscreen everyday with both UVA and UVB protection can help you avoid having the signs of skin aging such as fine lines, dry skin and wrinkles at an early age.

2. Use a good eye cream/moisturizer. It is very important to moisturize and protect the area around our eyes as early as our 20's. It is where our skin is the thinnest and most sensitive and it's also the area where wrinkles usually first appear so it's best to take extra care of this area. Eye creams or eye moisturizers as some would call them also helps reduce dark circles.

3. Stop smoking. Smoking is not only bad for our lungs, it is also bad for our skin. Smoke drains out moisture in our skin and reduces its elasticity which makes it dry and lifeless. It also leads to constriction of blood vessels which leads to lack of oxygen in the bloodstream. Smoking speeds up the aging process so it's best to avoid, or better yet, stop puffing smoke as early as you can before it does major damage on your skin.

4. Moisturize and drink lots of water. Did you know that dryness is a symptom of skin aging? Lack of moisture can make our skin look dull, dry and leathery in texture. So to avoid this from happening, always remember to drink lots of water and moisturize your skin everyday.

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