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How to Make an Anchor Necklace

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    • 1). Use a finger to lightly oil the inside of a rubber mold of an anchor with olive oil. Work the silver precious metal clay between your hands to soften it and to allow the traces of oil on your finger to help moisturize the clay.

    • 2). Pull of a small segment of the clay that looks approximately the right size for your mold. Divide that segment in two. Press the first half into the mold, pressing firmly to make sure the detailing is filled.

    • 3). Divide the remaining small segment in half again. Add the first half to the other clay in the mold. Stop if the clay reaches the top edge of the mold design. Add more clay, if needed, until it does.

    • 4). Press firmly on the back of the clay and hold for 30 seconds. Flip the mold over and push on the rubber to pop the clay out the back. Note that you can repeat the mold pressing if the design didn't come out as clear as you wanted.

    • 5). Trim off any excess pieces and smooth out the back of the anchor with a craft knife, if necessary. Place the pendant in the kiln according to the package directions of your silver PMC. Remove the finished pendant from the kiln and let cool overnight.

    • 6). Drill a small hole at the top of the anchor pendant. Loop an open jump ring through that hole. Use pliers to close the jump ring. Slip the pendant onto a necklace chain and close the clasp.


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