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9 Easy Ways to Boost Your Metabolism to Lose Weight the Natural Way

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Your metabolism is how fast your body uses the food that you put in it, so the slower your metabolism, the more calories will be stored by your body as fat. If you are trying to lose weight the natural way, one of the most important things you must do is to boost your metabolism. One of the best known ways to achieve this is by increasing your activity levels and incorporating more exercise into your daily life. Though this is always very important, there are other ways that will help to boost your metabolism and help you to achieve your weight loss goals.

Here are 9 easy ways to boost your metabolism:

1. Always eat breakfast. If you skip breakfast your body will think that you are starving having not been fed for 6 €" 10 hours, so it will slow down your metabolism to conserve calories.

2. Eat more protein. Protein builds muscle. If you do not eat enough, your muscles will get sore, also you will store calories as fat because lack of protein makes your body slow down.

3. Avoid sitting still for too long. You need to keep activity going throughout the day to keep your metabolism going at its optimum. So take the stairs, get up and walk around regularly, flex your arms and legs, fidget, even chewing gum can generate enough activity in the muscles of your jaw to boost your metabolism.

4. Get out in the daylight. If you are indoors all day and do not see any natural light, physiological processes can be triggered in your body that makes it think that it should be sleeping and gaining weight. Spending the day indoors, to your metabolism, is the same is spending the day in the dark.

5. Eat before and after exercise. Your body will get energy by breaking down muscle first rather than fat if it does not have any other energy resources available. Your metabolic rate will be at its highest after intense exercise, so if you eat within 45 minutes of finishing, this will allow you body to repair and replenish.

6. Build Muscle. If you can increase your muscle mass, this can actually raise your metabolic rate by several hundred calories a day. This is because it takes your body more calories per pound of muscle to maintain that muscle than it does to maintain any other kind of fibre in your body.

7. Vary your exercise routine. When you challenge your muscles your metabolism increases, so it is important to keep changing things around so that your body does not get too used to doing the same things. Try to keep your body guessing by swimming one day, running the next, rowing the next and so on, trying to vary your routine as much as possible.

8. Take some caffeine. Caffeine can boost your metabolism, but only in moderate amounts, too much can have the opposite effect.

9. Cut your alcohol intake. Drinking lots of alcohol will slow down your metabolism over time. A glass or two a day is OK, but if you binge drink regularly at a weekend, your metabolism will suffer.

By following this advice you will be able to boost your metabolism more effectively and help you on your way to achieving your goals to lose weight the natural way.

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