Cardiovascular Exercise - Adopting the Right Mindset
Cardiovascular exercise can be a huge mountain for many.
Everyone thinks about how long it will take and will try to do everything they can to delay or skip a session.
You may think that you are lazy and feel miserable when your body tells you to not start your cardiovascular exercise session.
Do not worry you are not lazy nor are you a loser.
The only difference between those who are able to consistently do their cardio sessions and those who do it in spurts is thought.
Trying to think about when to do cardio will kill even the most motivated athlete's enthusiasm.
Because procrastination will stymie even the most determined person in achieving his goal, it is important to keep in mind that the best time to do cardiovascular exercise is now.
The following situations below are those we commonly face every time we decide to do cardio.
"Now Rather Than Later" Almost everyone will be at a situation where their exercise goals will be compromised when life gets in the way.
Your job, your kids or even your internet time will get in the way of doing your cardio.
If you find asking yourself if you should do cardio, then you should do it right that moment.
"Morning Rather Than Evening" The ever famous debate on morning versus evening cardio exercise is still being fought today.
Lifestyles have drastically changed now compared to a couple of decades ago.
Most people lack sleep and carry a lot of stress compared to before.
Everyone can wake up an hour early to perform their cardio.
It may pretty much ruin your mood right when you wake up but the "cardio high" that you will get feel for the rest of the day will make up for it.
Also doing it first thing in the morning should pretty much guarantee that nothing will interrupt you into performing your cardio session.
"Today Rather Than Tomorrow" If the world spun in reverse and people would work on tomorrow for today we would not have an obesity epidemic.
Our ability to put off cardio for tomorrow when it can be done today is amazing.
This goes in line with the New Year's resolution habit.
It is important that you wake up and performs your cardio exercise without ever thinking if you can make up for it by doing twice the amount the day after.
Leaving yourself no choice but doing cardio this very day will do wonders for your fitness goals.
Cardio done consistently without procrastinating is cardio that works.
And when cardio works consistently your fitness goals will follow accordingly.
Whether it be losing a hundred pounds or strengthening your heart adopting a "present action" mindset is the key to fulfilling these goals.
Everyone thinks about how long it will take and will try to do everything they can to delay or skip a session.
You may think that you are lazy and feel miserable when your body tells you to not start your cardiovascular exercise session.
Do not worry you are not lazy nor are you a loser.
The only difference between those who are able to consistently do their cardio sessions and those who do it in spurts is thought.
Trying to think about when to do cardio will kill even the most motivated athlete's enthusiasm.
Because procrastination will stymie even the most determined person in achieving his goal, it is important to keep in mind that the best time to do cardiovascular exercise is now.
The following situations below are those we commonly face every time we decide to do cardio.
"Now Rather Than Later" Almost everyone will be at a situation where their exercise goals will be compromised when life gets in the way.
Your job, your kids or even your internet time will get in the way of doing your cardio.
If you find asking yourself if you should do cardio, then you should do it right that moment.
"Morning Rather Than Evening" The ever famous debate on morning versus evening cardio exercise is still being fought today.
Lifestyles have drastically changed now compared to a couple of decades ago.
Most people lack sleep and carry a lot of stress compared to before.
Everyone can wake up an hour early to perform their cardio.
It may pretty much ruin your mood right when you wake up but the "cardio high" that you will get feel for the rest of the day will make up for it.
Also doing it first thing in the morning should pretty much guarantee that nothing will interrupt you into performing your cardio session.
"Today Rather Than Tomorrow" If the world spun in reverse and people would work on tomorrow for today we would not have an obesity epidemic.
Our ability to put off cardio for tomorrow when it can be done today is amazing.
This goes in line with the New Year's resolution habit.
It is important that you wake up and performs your cardio exercise without ever thinking if you can make up for it by doing twice the amount the day after.
Leaving yourself no choice but doing cardio this very day will do wonders for your fitness goals.
Cardio done consistently without procrastinating is cardio that works.
And when cardio works consistently your fitness goals will follow accordingly.
Whether it be losing a hundred pounds or strengthening your heart adopting a "present action" mindset is the key to fulfilling these goals.