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How Jennifer Found the Best Treatment For a Yeast Infection

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Jennifer was a bright young professional who was considered very promising in her field.
She was dedicated to her job and her work was more often than not recognized as outstanding.
But the work was very demanding so she had little time for what many people would describe as "a life".
When we are very busy and time is at a premium, we can sometimes neglect taking care of ourselves and Jennifer was no exception.
With the passing of time, she noticed an increasing rash in her private areas, along with an itching that just felt "so good" when she scratched it.
She lived in a fairly warm and humid part of the country, so at first imagined it was something to do with the heat and thought it would pass if she kept herself clean and applied some powder to the affected area.
But if only got worse.
Soon she found that 'taking a pee' became a painful experience and there was this cheesy like discharge coming from her vagina.
This was not good! It was time to do something about it.
Like most people, the first thing Jennifer thought about was visiting the doctor.
Sure enough, she was diagnosed with a yeast infection, a prescription was written and soon she had in her hands the pharmacy drug that she thought would quickly end her embarrassing discomfort.
Things seemed to go well and very soon, the symptoms disappeared.
But it wasn't long before they returned.
Out came the medicine again and another application sent it packing...
or so she thought.
Unfortunately for Jennifer, she was one of those 75 percent of women who suffers from thrush.
Living in a warm climate didn't help, but she was often feeling exhausted after a demanding day at the office and let herself get run down frequently.
This doesn't help the body's defences against invaders and Jennifer was now under attack from the candida fungus.
With the passing of time, Jennifer found herself making regular trips to the doctor to get the same drugs to cover up the same now recurring symptoms.
It was not only time consuming but also getting quite expensive.
She wondered whether there might be a better alternative.
Surely there must be! Jennifer needed to get rid of her yeast infection once and for all.
She didn't have the time or inclination to keep going back to the pharmacy and she certainly didn't like the physical discomfort and embarrassing odours.
So she started doing some research.
She soon found to her amazement, that she could completely eliminate all yeast infections with the help of some common ingredients that could be purchased with her regular grocery order.
It wasn't long before Jennifer was effectively applying delicious cold teabags to relieve the itching.
She could also use other powerful natural products such as plain yoghurt, apple cider vinegar, baking soda and the like, to completely eradicate not only the symptoms but the problem itself, in a very short time.
Jennifer was stoked! The best cure for yeast infection was right under her nose all the time.
She just didn't know what it was or how to use it.

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