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How to Know When You Are Allergic to Your Girlfriend

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Sometimes a man can feel extra sensitive to his partner. In rare cases, this is actually true and it can be said that he is allergic to his partner. After intercourse men can break out into rashes, hives and itching which can be localized either on the penis skin or on various other parts of the body. For some men this is a minor irritation and in others it's a major health issue. Penis-specific vitamins and minerals, skin crmes, and allergy testing can go a long way to restoring sexual harmony. In some cases a man may have to avoid contact with his partner for extended periods of time or during certain times of the month. If symptoms persists then visit your healthcare practitioner without delay.

The symptoms experienced may vary, but should usually begin during or directly after personal contact with a partner. Symptoms may include:
€ itching
€ inflammation
€ swelling
€ pain
€ hives

If the inflammation or itching is chronic, it may not be an allergic reaction at all but a condition known as balanitis; a form of contact dermatitis that affects the penis. If there is discharge coming from the penis then infection from bacteria, viruses or yeast is also a possibility. If symptoms become worse or progress to the point where breathing becomes difficult and/or the inflammation spreads then seek medical attention immediately.

In 2005 the Daily Mail published a news report concerning a man who was diagnosed as being allergic to his girlfriend. After ruling out various skin products doctors determined that his body was producing antibodies to particular hormones in his girlfriend's skin and bodily fluids, during particular times of the month when her hormones were changing. However this type of allergy is extremely rare and in the majority of cases the reaction may be caused by something else entirely. Lubricants, spermicidal gel, latex, skin care products, soaps, deodorants, perfumes, shampoos and laundry detergents are all possible allergens.

The problem may also be a food allergy. Doctors from St Helier Hospital in England published a case study in 2007 of a woman who was allergic to Brazil nuts and would experience skin reactions after having intercourse with her partner. Interestingly, it was not only the seminal fluid she reacted to but also the sweat and hair of her partner. Although this was a case of a woman with an allergy to her male partner, it is of course possible for a man to experience an allergy to food proteins in a female partner's bodily fluids and tissues.

Treating a man who is allergic to his girlfriend is not easy. If the problem is hormonally related and interacts negatively with his girlfriend's cycle the symptoms of allergies can be almost completely avoided by reducing physical contact during the days of the month when hormones are fluctuating. Using polyurethane condoms, and switching to low-allergenic skin care products intended for sensitive skin, may also help considerably.

However if the reaction stems from foodstuffs the girlfriend is eating it won't make any difference which products are eliminated or what days of the month you spend together. Allergy tests such as hair analysis, skin pricks and EAV electro-acupuncture testing can be very effective in diagnosing food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances.

Health Crme
Health crmes are natural products that can help to treat inflammation, itching, hives and allergic reactions on the penis skin. Containing natural vitamins, antioxidants and oils that benefit tissue integrity and immune health, health crmes can be applied to speed the recovery of skin cells and may calm hypersensitive tissues. Specialist formulas(most professionals recommend Man1Man Oil) contain vitamin C as a natural anti-histamine and immune support, vitamin E as an anti-inflammatory, alpha lipoic acid for penis nerve health and shea butter for anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties.

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