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Chiropractors - Position Yourselves to Solving America"s Health Care Crisis!

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Fifteen years ago I would lie in bed at night scratching my ankles like crazy.
Then I would move to my thighs and then my arms.
You see, I had a bad case of eczema and had suffered from it for years.
I went to different doctors to see what could be done.
They would look at me and give me a prescription cream, then tell me that it would not help the eczema, but it would make it so it would not itch as much.
Then they would tell me that there is no cure for eczema and I would just have to learn how to deal with it.
I started thinking about that and shared my story of having an incurable disease with a friend of mine that was an independent rep for a nutritional company.
She gave me some pill and insisted that I use some of the laundry detergent as well since it did not contain any filler.
Whatever in the world fillers are.
I was desperate, so I tried it.
My eczema was minimized and the itching decreased.
I started thinking that there might be something to this.
However, it never did go away completely, however it was bearable.
As I started to study and learn about nutrition I learned something interesting.
Just as the doctors were doing, she was looking at the symptoms and wanted to treat it.
I later met a chiropractor who specialized in nutritional healing.
As I started to go for adjustments and participate in his healing program, I learned that there is a cause for each illness that we have.
In order to eliminate the symptom, you need to find the cause of the illness and then treat that cause.
The reason I share this story is because I believe that chiropractors are positioned to solve the health care crisis of this country.
As a chiropractor, are you focusing on just doing adjustments? Or are you looking at other ways to serve your patients needs? What would have happened if this doctor just did the standard chiropractic stuff? Who knows how long it would have taken me to overcome this "incurable disease", eczema.
I was recently reading in a book and the author made and interesting statement.
"One reason for the crisis in medicine today and the loss of confidence of the people is that medicine has denied the very uniqueness of the individual from the start.
For years the science of medicine has attempted to lump all people into a single test tube.
(The Healing Triad, Dr.
Jack Tips) You, as a chiropractor, are positioned to solve this issue.
My Chiropractor looked at what the cause of my eczema was as an individual, and I'm sure it was several things.
You need to step up to the plate and use your knowledge and skills to help people.
Educate your patients on what alternatives there are out there for them.
If you are not sure, start to do some studying and research.
With your education and experience you could be up and running in a matter of a few days.
Not only will your patients benefit, you will receive the bonus of increasing your income.
America is in the need of solving the health care crises.
We don't need more drugs, we need more education and to have our health care providers look for the cause of our symptoms not just treat our symptoms.
Chiropractic has come a long ways over the last few years.
It was once looked down upon.
However, as the public became educated, your vital services have become common wellness care for many.
Now that you have the public's trust, go one step further and start looking at other low cost, effective services that you can offer your patients.
By so doing you will become the answer to this crisis.

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