Various Treatments of Hemorrhoids
Just like any other condition, before you could actually treat hemorrhoids, you first have to know what type of hemorrhoids you have. Basically, there are two types of this condition: external and internal. What is the difference?
Internal hemorrhoids happen when there is a lot of pressure on the internal hemorrhoidal veins. The only way you will know this hemorrhoid exits is because of bright blood that will appear on the surface of a bowel movement, or on the toilet paper itself when you wipe. Pain is usually rare with internal hemorrhoids, unless a blood clot or an infection has a chance to occur and set in. External hemorrhoids are when veins around your anus become swollen, causing this type of problem. These veins can bleed easily from being irritated and swollen. This is usually caused from draining mucus in the anal area. External hemorrhoids can be extremely painful.
How can you prevent hemorrhoids from becoming worse?
The best way to prevent hemorrhoids from becoming worse is by gently wiping your anus after a bowel movement. You don't want to wipe it with regular toilet paper, you want to moisten the toilet paper first. To relieve the pain, you can simply rub ice several times a day on your anus. Also try applying moist heat such as warm, wet towels several times a day. Hemorrhoidectomy is a surgical removal of hemorrhoids and is one of the most successful ways to treat large internal hemorrhoids. Small internal hemorrhoids are most of the time treated surgically when there are many of them. Another effective way in treating hemorrhoids is a rubber band ligation treatment. This treatment method is used to treat small to medium sized hemorrhoids. This is the most common method to treating hemorrhoids of them all.
A significant change in your lifestyle would also help in improving your condition. Though consuming caffeine, smoking and drinking heavily would not lead directly to having hemorrhoids, these habits could aggravate your symptoms. If you do add more fiber to your diet but continue to smoke and drink heavily, the pain and the itching would not go away as soon as it usually does. To make sure that you get rid of your hemorrhoids fast, you would really need to say goodbye to your habits and have a healthier lifestyle.
These remedies work 95% of the time, so if you follow them strictly and not do anything that could aggravate your hemorrhoid symptoms, these would definitely work for you. However, if your condition becomes too severe, you might need the help of a professional. If the pain prolongs and becomes unbearable, it is best to go to a doctor and have the hemorrhoids removed entirely. This, however, is the last resort to treating hemorrhoids so only succumb to surgery if you feel that your condition has become too dangerous. I wish you the best of luck in getting rid of your hemorrhoids. In whatever you do, do not give up the fight!
Hemorrhoids are a problem that is far more prevalent than many people realize, and many people with symptoms of hemorrhoids may not even know that they have them. It's a sad truth that solid..
Internal hemorrhoids happen when there is a lot of pressure on the internal hemorrhoidal veins. The only way you will know this hemorrhoid exits is because of bright blood that will appear on the surface of a bowel movement, or on the toilet paper itself when you wipe. Pain is usually rare with internal hemorrhoids, unless a blood clot or an infection has a chance to occur and set in. External hemorrhoids are when veins around your anus become swollen, causing this type of problem. These veins can bleed easily from being irritated and swollen. This is usually caused from draining mucus in the anal area. External hemorrhoids can be extremely painful.
How can you prevent hemorrhoids from becoming worse?
The best way to prevent hemorrhoids from becoming worse is by gently wiping your anus after a bowel movement. You don't want to wipe it with regular toilet paper, you want to moisten the toilet paper first. To relieve the pain, you can simply rub ice several times a day on your anus. Also try applying moist heat such as warm, wet towels several times a day. Hemorrhoidectomy is a surgical removal of hemorrhoids and is one of the most successful ways to treat large internal hemorrhoids. Small internal hemorrhoids are most of the time treated surgically when there are many of them. Another effective way in treating hemorrhoids is a rubber band ligation treatment. This treatment method is used to treat small to medium sized hemorrhoids. This is the most common method to treating hemorrhoids of them all.
A significant change in your lifestyle would also help in improving your condition. Though consuming caffeine, smoking and drinking heavily would not lead directly to having hemorrhoids, these habits could aggravate your symptoms. If you do add more fiber to your diet but continue to smoke and drink heavily, the pain and the itching would not go away as soon as it usually does. To make sure that you get rid of your hemorrhoids fast, you would really need to say goodbye to your habits and have a healthier lifestyle.
These remedies work 95% of the time, so if you follow them strictly and not do anything that could aggravate your hemorrhoid symptoms, these would definitely work for you. However, if your condition becomes too severe, you might need the help of a professional. If the pain prolongs and becomes unbearable, it is best to go to a doctor and have the hemorrhoids removed entirely. This, however, is the last resort to treating hemorrhoids so only succumb to surgery if you feel that your condition has become too dangerous. I wish you the best of luck in getting rid of your hemorrhoids. In whatever you do, do not give up the fight!
Hemorrhoids are a problem that is far more prevalent than many people realize, and many people with symptoms of hemorrhoids may not even know that they have them. It's a sad truth that solid..