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What is the GM Diet Plan Good For?

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Have you ever heard of The General Motors Diet Plan? Whether you have or not this article will tell you all about it and how it works.
You may be thinking why in the world would GM put out a weight loss diet plan? This is an excellent question to ask.
It was developed for their employees and their families originally.
It has also been field tested by the John Hopkins Research Center, which is known for it's high prestige.
By having this program created General Motors hoped to promote a healthy lifestyle for all.
If you are looking for a way to lose 10 to 17 pounds and cleanse your body in a week.
This is one of the ways to go.
First, things you must know before getting started on the GM diet plan.
It is not only meant to help with weight loss but to also improve your over feeling about yourself in general.
The main key to this program is by eating certain foods you will burn more calories and add less calories to your body.
This plan can be used frequently without risk of complex situations.
This plan is set up to cleanse your system of impurities and give an overall feeling of well being.
After 7 day you will at least burn 10 pounds and feel the difference.
One more thing, you must resist drinking alcohol and drink 10 glasses of water each day while doing the program.
Let's start with Day One.
You will eat all fruits today except bananas.
You may have as many fruits as you want.
Melons are considered to be an especially good choice on your first day.
In fact if you limit your fruit intake to just melons the possibilities of losing at least 3 pounds on the first day is extremely likely.
The reason for the fruits on the first day is to prepare your body for the upcoming days.
Fruits will provide you with everything you need except total balance and variety.
On the second day you will focus on vegetables.
You should eat as much raw and cooked vegetables as possible.
There is no limit as to the type or the amount.
You will need a complex carbohydrate to start the day.
Make sure you eat one large baked potato for your breakfast.
You have the option also of patting the baked potato with one tablespoon of butter.
By starting your day off with a complex carbohydrate and a bit of oil, you give your body energy and balance.
The rest of the day you will be eating the vegetables and they are basically calorie free but provide nutrients and fiber.
On the third day, you will have a nice mixture of fruits and vegetables of your own choosing.
You can have any amount of this that you wish.
The only exception is no bananas and no potatoes on this day.
On this day you will get all of your carbohydrates from the fruit you are eating.
This means no potatoes needed.
Your body is now truly ready to start getting rid of excess pounds.
You may find that you still have cravings but they should start to go away by the next day.
On the fourth day, you will consume bananas and milk.
You can eat as much as eight bananas and drink three glasses of milk.
This can be eaten along with the wonder soup which consist of the following: 28oz of water, 6 large onions, 2 Green Peppers, Whole Tomatoes (canned or fresh), 1 head of cabbage, 1 bunch celery, 4 envelopes of Lipton Onion Soup Mix, Herbs and Flavoring as seen fit.
You can always substitute cabbage, green peppers, or celery for the following: peas, corn, turnips, green beans, cauliflower.
Word of caution: Stay away from beans like lima, pinto, and kidney on this recipe.
The reason for your diet on this day is your body will need lots of potassium and sodium.
The bananas help with this.
On day five you can feast.
You will eat beef and tomatoes all day today.
Eat at least 10 ounces of lean beef.
Hamburger meat is an okay item.
Also include six whole tomatoes.
You will need to increase your water intake by one quart.
This will help cleanse your body of uric acid it will be producing.
The beef provides iron and proteins you need.
The tomatoes are there for digestion and fiber.
By drinking lots of water this will purify your system.
On day six it's all about beef and vegetables.
You can eat an unlimited amount of both today.
Just eat till your heart's content.
This day will seem similar to day five.
At this point and time your body is in total weight loss mode.
You should notice a difference in the way you look today compared to day one.
On day seven your food intake will consist of a little different structure.
You will eat brown rice, fruit juices and all vegetables you feel like consuming.
By this final day you should be in control of your body and feel the great results of flushing out your body.
So in the end, it takes a bit of adjusting to work the GM Diet Plan.
Once you have made it through the week you are set.
You should feel good about how you look and feel about yourself.
If you want to lose more weight you can just repeat the process again.
During this whole process just remember to consume at least 10 glasses of water each day.
This will be essential to your weight loss for The General Motors Diet Plan.
Good luck and happy eating!

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