Traction Alopecia: Black Female Hair Care Dilemma
The use of hair extensions, a common cosmetic procedure used by many black women today is now being associated with a type of hair loss called "traction alopecia". Traction alopecia is a common cause of hair loss due to pulling forces exerting tension on the scalp hair. This excessive tension causes trauma to underlying tissue of the scalp which ultimately leads to breakage in the outermost hairs. Population studies show a prevalence of traction alopecia to be almost 32% of African-American women from ages 18-86 years.
What Happens?
Gravity exerts a constant pulling force on hair inserts. These inserts in turn apply a constant and excessive "force" (pulling) on the hair follicle and follicle bed eventually causing inflammation (trauma) and scarring (tissue damage).
This trauma to the hair and scalp can become so pronounced that the normal biological cycle of hair growth is disrupted, shocking hair growth into an unscheduled telogen or resting phase. Instead of the hair resting in the telogen phase for 2 to 3 months then cycling to the anagen phase, the traumatized hair follicles instead could remain in the telogen phase anywhere from for 1 to 3 years! This condition is medically called, "Telogen Effluvium Hair Loss".
While in the resting phase of hair growth the papillae (the heart of hair growth) does not send sufficient biological signals to the bulb of the hair follicle. It is these biological messenger signals from the papillae that stimulate the bulb which leads to normal hair follicle growth rates (anagen phase). If this signaling process is absent or weak there can little or no active hair growth.
Furthermore, the constant presence of inflammation around the hair follicle bed (bulb) blocks the normal flow of blood necessary to nourish and support normal hair growth cycles. Blood removes toxic waste byproducts from the site of hair growth while carrying the needed nutrients (minerals, vitamins, hormones, proteins) to sustain active hair growth rates. Since toxic waste byproducts contain dangerous free-radical compounds these free-radicals react with the sebum in the hair bulb, resulting in cracks in this natural fatty acid/wax (sebum) substance that hold the hair follicle ridged. These cracks loosen hair follicle stability resulting in breakage and loss of hair. If this trauma and inflammation is not relieved from the scalp and hair follicles PERMANENT HAIR LOSS WILL BE THE END RESULT.
What You Can Do
It is possible to eliminate or reduce the effects of traction alopecia if the condition is caught early enough. Remove all weaves, braids, extensions, and glues as soon as possible. Temporally stop the use of all dyes, bleaches, relaxers. Only use natural or organic products to condition and clean your hair. Once you recover your normal hair growth rate, lengths, and fullness, make sure that future braiding is not done too tight. Also, try to minimize the use of weaves and extensions. Note that if you experience traction alopecia, it may take up to three months to three years to recover hair loss. In some instances where your scalp has been chronically subjected to trauma and scarring, hair recovery may not be possible.
What Happens?
Gravity exerts a constant pulling force on hair inserts. These inserts in turn apply a constant and excessive "force" (pulling) on the hair follicle and follicle bed eventually causing inflammation (trauma) and scarring (tissue damage).
This trauma to the hair and scalp can become so pronounced that the normal biological cycle of hair growth is disrupted, shocking hair growth into an unscheduled telogen or resting phase. Instead of the hair resting in the telogen phase for 2 to 3 months then cycling to the anagen phase, the traumatized hair follicles instead could remain in the telogen phase anywhere from for 1 to 3 years! This condition is medically called, "Telogen Effluvium Hair Loss".
While in the resting phase of hair growth the papillae (the heart of hair growth) does not send sufficient biological signals to the bulb of the hair follicle. It is these biological messenger signals from the papillae that stimulate the bulb which leads to normal hair follicle growth rates (anagen phase). If this signaling process is absent or weak there can little or no active hair growth.
Furthermore, the constant presence of inflammation around the hair follicle bed (bulb) blocks the normal flow of blood necessary to nourish and support normal hair growth cycles. Blood removes toxic waste byproducts from the site of hair growth while carrying the needed nutrients (minerals, vitamins, hormones, proteins) to sustain active hair growth rates. Since toxic waste byproducts contain dangerous free-radical compounds these free-radicals react with the sebum in the hair bulb, resulting in cracks in this natural fatty acid/wax (sebum) substance that hold the hair follicle ridged. These cracks loosen hair follicle stability resulting in breakage and loss of hair. If this trauma and inflammation is not relieved from the scalp and hair follicles PERMANENT HAIR LOSS WILL BE THE END RESULT.
What You Can Do
It is possible to eliminate or reduce the effects of traction alopecia if the condition is caught early enough. Remove all weaves, braids, extensions, and glues as soon as possible. Temporally stop the use of all dyes, bleaches, relaxers. Only use natural or organic products to condition and clean your hair. Once you recover your normal hair growth rate, lengths, and fullness, make sure that future braiding is not done too tight. Also, try to minimize the use of weaves and extensions. Note that if you experience traction alopecia, it may take up to three months to three years to recover hair loss. In some instances where your scalp has been chronically subjected to trauma and scarring, hair recovery may not be possible.