Abs:best Training And Definition Techniques
1st part
Contrary to what is widely believed and accepted crunches, sit ups and other focused exercises is the last thing that should bother you in your effort towards training and defining your abs.
The most critical parameters in your long and arduous trip to ripped abs absolute fetish for men and women are the following:
1) Self discipline and self motivation.
The objective for perfect abs demands a powerful brain, because you will need commitment, discipline, persistence and other mental virtues.
2) A carefully planned, solid, nutritional plan
Take care so as to create a negative caloric balance. This is important for losing weight and especially fat.
The subcutaneous fat layer in front of you abdominals will keep them dormant and undiscernible even when they are fully trained.
So your first and most important aim should be to make this fat layer disappear. (I take it that you know that spot fat loss is impossible!!).
This, mathematically, can be achieved only if your caloric expenditure is bigger than you caloric intake.In other words only if you create a caloric deficit
Focus on the intake of quality protein and complex carbs ,rich in fibres
(mainly fibrous vegetables and secondly fruits and wholesome cereals.)
Fats : give first priority to monounsaturated and omega-3 fats.
Avoid at all costs: sugar, corn syrup, white flour, salt and trans fats!
The best way to achieve this is by eating natural, unprocessed foods (keep away from whatever is packaged in boxes and cans).
Try to split your caloric intake into 5-6 meals/day.
This will make your metabolism function more efficiently and will keep your blood sugar and consequently fat storage insulin under better control.
3) Strengthening exercises (preferentially with free weights)
This will benefit your metabolism by maintaining or increasing your precious muscle mass.
Try to adopt exercises that simultaneously tax big muscle groups and as many joints as possible.
Kings are: squats, deadlifts, chest presses, overhead presses, bent over rows,dips, chin ups etc.
Before closing 1st part I would like to make two important observations:
* try to escape from the logic of magic, easy, no sweat solutions.
* dont really expect to rectify in days or weeks grave errors accumulated for years or decades!!!
Ens of 1st part
Chris Strogilis
Contrary to what is widely believed and accepted crunches, sit ups and other focused exercises is the last thing that should bother you in your effort towards training and defining your abs.
The most critical parameters in your long and arduous trip to ripped abs absolute fetish for men and women are the following:
1) Self discipline and self motivation.
The objective for perfect abs demands a powerful brain, because you will need commitment, discipline, persistence and other mental virtues.
2) A carefully planned, solid, nutritional plan
Take care so as to create a negative caloric balance. This is important for losing weight and especially fat.
The subcutaneous fat layer in front of you abdominals will keep them dormant and undiscernible even when they are fully trained.
So your first and most important aim should be to make this fat layer disappear. (I take it that you know that spot fat loss is impossible!!).
This, mathematically, can be achieved only if your caloric expenditure is bigger than you caloric intake.In other words only if you create a caloric deficit
Focus on the intake of quality protein and complex carbs ,rich in fibres
(mainly fibrous vegetables and secondly fruits and wholesome cereals.)
Fats : give first priority to monounsaturated and omega-3 fats.
Avoid at all costs: sugar, corn syrup, white flour, salt and trans fats!
The best way to achieve this is by eating natural, unprocessed foods (keep away from whatever is packaged in boxes and cans).
Try to split your caloric intake into 5-6 meals/day.
This will make your metabolism function more efficiently and will keep your blood sugar and consequently fat storage insulin under better control.
3) Strengthening exercises (preferentially with free weights)
This will benefit your metabolism by maintaining or increasing your precious muscle mass.
Try to adopt exercises that simultaneously tax big muscle groups and as many joints as possible.
Kings are: squats, deadlifts, chest presses, overhead presses, bent over rows,dips, chin ups etc.
Before closing 1st part I would like to make two important observations:
* try to escape from the logic of magic, easy, no sweat solutions.
* dont really expect to rectify in days or weeks grave errors accumulated for years or decades!!!
Ens of 1st part
Chris Strogilis